Chanting u. S. A. ] President Trump i want to thank you. The fake news said this is roundtable buta it looks like a rally. It is a roundtable and were here to really listen. Were here to discuss the latino say you i want to have a great governor. Hes been fantastic. Too. E you, and were really doing well. Country is doing numbers that, like weve never you next year you had your greatest year ever, doug, best year you ever had. Then we had to close it up, we had to stop. Millions of lives by doing it. We saved millions of lives. Set all kinds of records and were setting records and i think next year youre going to have a fantastic year. Its going to be great. Were cutting taxes even further and i think a lot of good things are happening but im thrilled arizona. K in [cheers and applause] [crowd chanting four more years] just trump by the way, i looked at the audio over here. Youve done a great job. Hows albert . Is he good . Great guy. Good job. Back. Great to be [cheering] is what the
Freedom Coalition Founder ralph reed who over the next two hours will be talking your calls and comments. His books include act of faith and for god and country which was published earlier this year. Host author ralph reeding when we asked you what some of your books are, the first one you listed was the bible. Is the bible a political book . Guest i dont think of it that way. Certainly, it has instruction about Civic Affairs and politics and how we order our societies, but i for me, obviously, the bible is primarily the revelation of gods man and principles for humanity and the best huawei to know best way to know the keys to living a godly life with intimacy with him. And if you believe in the new testament, as i do, his son, jesus christ. I also think as a trained historian its one of the most important history books that youll ever read. I mean, if you want to understand the ancient world, theres no better Single Source than the bible. Its all there, the rise and fall of empires fr
Relations and the trump administration. This is 45 minutes. I think our rush to get back to normalcy has caused us to be unproductive in bringing about longterm systemic changes that are actionable, satisfying and causes america to live up to its ideals. Read and we have got the right ideas. We just do not promote them. Hi, i am sally quinn, a third journalist and contributor to the washington post. Today we will discuss the evangelical christians in their vote. We have two great guests. Jakes from dallas, texas. Welcome bishop jakes. Thank you for having me. I want to remind you the last time i interviewed you we were on a tight budget and we did not have a make a person so i had to make you up before the interview. I remember that. I still have the little eup and which is in a box is in a box with my prized possessions. I could have used some today. I want to start out by asking you about three issues that are forefront in all of our minds, racism, coronavirus, and Police Brutality,
Next, House Minority leader Kevin Mccarthy discusses the republican legislative agenda. He criticizes Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats for their response to the coronavirus pandemic. Vaccinetalks about development, middle east policy, Election Security and absentee voting. This is just over 20 minutes. Rep. Mccarthy good morning, almost good afternoon. I would like to start with continuing to keep our prayers for the two sure if deputies that were ambushed in compton, my home state. I think we should condemn that violence. That violence has got to stop. I am not sure if my hometown senator has condemned it or done anything about it. I know she went out to california to see the fires. I hope she would stop to see the sheriffs as well. Not sure if she raised money for a reward to find who did this. I know she raises money to bail out the rioters. I know 13 Staff Members on joe bidens campaign did as well. Not sure if they are still on his campaign. I know he just had a press conference
The 2020 election hosted by the Washington Post, this is live coverage on cspan2. To get back to normalcy has caused them to over and over be unproductive in bringing about longterm systemic changes that are actionable, that are satisfying in the cause of america to live up to the creed, weve got the right ideals, we just dont live up to them. I am sally, author journalistic contributor to the Washington Post. Today we are going to discuss the evangelical christians in their vote. We have two great guests today and our first guest im happy to say is bishop from the potter house in dallas, texas. Welcome bishop. I just want to remind you the last time i interviewed you we were on a tight budget and we did not have a makeup person so i had to make you up right before the interview. [laughter] and i still have the little makeup segment that is in a box in my prize possession. That is so sweet of you, i getting used to today. Today i want to start by asking you about three issues at our fo