Hadi Sirika, the Minister of Aviation, has revealed that Nigeria Air would soon commence operations, but with a shuttle service between Abuja and Lagos.
The Aviation Herald
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forever, not all entrepreneurs want to do that. that s why people don t franchise. the right reasons to become a franchisee is recognizing that there is strength in numbers and that joining a large organization with a brain trust and resources creates a tremendous amount of opportunity. reporter: helpful advice and operation manuals can make big difference, but they can only take you so far. according to sba, buying a franchise alone is for the better german tee of success than starting up a business from scratch and greenebaum agrees. at the end of the day the execution is really at the store level or with the owner themselves and their ability. reporter: for people like amanda and dennis, that s where the ent (nufrl drive kicks in, to make the real difference between failure and success. owe, i wish i could have been making money on day one. but i know that takes time and as much energy as i put night is what i definitely see come out.
fran chite franchisees, recognizing there s strength in numbers and joining an organization with a brain trust and resources creates a tremendous amount of opportunity. reporter: helpful advice in operation manuals make a big difference but they can only take so far. the wrong reason to join a franchise to think because you join a franchise you re going to be successful automatically. that s not the case. reporter: buying a franchise alone is no better guarantee of success than starting up a business from fresh. and he agrees. at the end of the day the extrusion is at the store level. the owner themselves and their ability. reporter: for people like amanda and dennis, that s where the entrepreneurial drive kicks in to make the real difference between failure and success i. wish i could have been making money on day one but i knew that takes time. and as much energy is what i put into it is what i definitely see come out on weeks that i don t get out of the store as much and d