is a wononder offeriring up some of ththe best prorodue inin the worldld, frfrom exquisisite white t trufs to rice e for risotttto and d the finestst wines. - - it s increredible how,, reallyly, barolo, , um, you put itit in a glasass and in tenen minutes,, it s chahanged complpletely. - the e people herere are fud by p passion andnd ambitio. - - [speaks ititalian] - ththey just dodon t like to shoutut it up. oh, my g god. i i m stanley y tucci. i m italalian on bototh sid, and i i m travelining across y to discovever how the e fod in each ofof this coununtrys 20 regionsns is as uninique as the peoeople and ththeir . - - [speaking italian] - itit resurrectcts a dead p p. piedmontnt s a placece thatat s always s innovative. - - you have t to be a a little bitit crazy. yes.s. - - here, you u have to exet the unexpepected. [peoplple screamining] and cocome at thinings a a little dififferently to unearthth its real l treas. - [s[speaking ititalian] - [s[speaking ititalian] - [lau
- we re rurunning agaiainst a n who s s potentialllly gonna e the firsrst black mamayor ofof new york.k. - - democrat d david dinkiks has s defeated rerepublican r rudolph giuiul. [tenense music]] - - in city hahall, ththere was a a space inin the bowelels of thahat ancient t building that camee to be known as the lair. that s where the cigars would be smoked. and that s where giuliani s inner r circle would watch thehe godfatherer over a and over... [chuckles]s] and overer again. - godfatheher. - rudydy is famoususly obsessd withth the godfdfather. - rudy giuiuliani is a a littlet of e everybody i in that fil. one e night, he e had a showog ofof the godfdfather. and d he sits bebehind me, and duriring the entntire mov, he e explains why the lilife of polilitics is exaxactly the l life ofof the godfafather. and, of cocourse, inin the one s story wherere sonny cocomplains to the gododfather ththat they shshould be selling g drugs, and yoyou see thisis battle within t the
i saidid, it s vevery interese, people donon t really y stop atat stop lighghts that mumu and hehe goes, nono, no, no. the ststop light i is justst a suggeststion. there s nowhere on earth quite like tuscany. the e land is ididyllic, the art t is divinee and d the food i is out of this s world. [tuccici] oh my gogod. it just t melts in y your mou. [laughs] i m m stanley tutucci, i m fascscinated by my ititalian heriritage. so, , i m traveleling acrosssy to disiscover how w the food, in eacach of this s country s twenenty regionsns, is as ununique as t the people e and their r p. the creatitions of famamous tuss arare known ththe world ovo. michchelangelo, , i think ifif e to come baback today, , he d bee to w walk aroundnd florence. it hasasn t changeged. but it s s the handsds of t the ordinarary people. [chef] we e fold it lilike th. .that hahave crafteded the e incrediblele food here. it s s like a chchristmas in your r mouth, yeaeah. this is s a place bubuilt on human
why dodon t you celebrate e some of ouours? what abobout tupac s s birthd? - and whwhen you havave so lilittle, it m means everyryt. alall of thosese shows, they all m matter so m much. - itit feels likike there ss been m more of an n ebb and flowow and an evevolutio. - it i is so imporortant for s to h have true a authenticit. - why wewe always ththe only b black peoplple here? - that s s why reprpresentationon matters,, blacack stories s told by b black peoplple. - - i m tryingng to tetell you somomething. - [m[man] we setet the papace for sitit comedy. - you hearar that, elilizabet? i m comiming to joinin ya, hon? - frfrom sanforord and son to thehe other blalack shows. - what i is this? - loloved the j jeffersons. - - monogrammemed shirt, brand nenew silk tieie. - - is that a a tie? i i thought yoyour tonguee was hangnging out. - gooood times i is one of y favovorite sitcocoms becausesu could not t tell me ththat thesese people w were not rer. - dy-n-no-mite! - - unc
this holiday season. thank you for joining me this season. i m jim acosta. i will see you tomorrow starting at 2:00 p.m. eastern. merry christmas almomost.. santnta is watchching. haveve a good ninight. [draramatic musisic] - - over the n next ten dada, wewe get to sesee the machinines that arare croo, the ballllots ththat are fraraudulent. anand if we rere wrong, we will l be made fofools of. but ifif we re rigight, a a lot of thehem will go o to. [cheerers and applplause] so letet s have trtrial by com. [c[crowd clamomoring] - whwhen giulianani appeared alongsgside donaldld trump on jananuary 6th,, what c came to my y mind was ththe riot at t city hal. [c[crowd yelliling] - - [whistlingng] - - they marchched arouound city hahall park in a peaeaceful and d orderly fashion, but ththen, minutetes later, thousandnds of copss stormed ththrough the e barrics and raran on top o of cars as they chcharged the e stais of city hahall. [crowd c cheering anand yelli] - peopople