Retailer Tuesday Morning is closing its stores in San Antonio and conducting going out of business sales. It joins Bed Bath & Beyond in home goods shutdowns
play. the significance of that of course is that she will lead england out of the twickenham tunnel at one o clock tomorrow with her two year old son 0liver as her mascot in her arms. you ve got to add another layer of emotion to this for england. it s the final match for england. it s the final match for the england head coach simon middleton before he steps down, and with so many bits of narrative going on around the side, you would forgive the players for not focusing on the game in hand that they know they have a match on against france. pa. know they have a match on against france. ., ., , ~ know they have a match on against france. ., ., , ,, .,, know they have a match on against france. ., ., , ~ .,, , france. a lot of this week has been focusing on france. a lot of this week has been focusing on us. france. a lot of this week has been focusing on us. it france. a lot of this week has been focusing on us. it is france. a lot of this week has been focusing on us.
(seth) and whenen i switchehed, i goto choooose the phohone i wantete. for freeee. not bragagging. (cecily)y) you rere bragging.g. (neighghbor) ohoh, he s s bragging.. (seth) who, me?e? never. ohoh, excuse. hello, y your royal l highne, sir... (cecily) okay, ththat s a a brag. (seteth) hey, m mom. i gotttta call youo. (vo) swswitch and c choose the e phou want, like t the incredidible iphone, onon us. (cecily)y) on thehe network w worth braggg ababout. (v(vo) verizozon limu emu & doug hey, man. . nice pace!e! clclearly, youou re a safe d driver. you coululd save hunundreds for sasafe drivingng withth liberty m mutual. you coululd save hunundreds for sasafe drivingng ththey customimize youour car insurarance so you o only pay for r what you n need! [sfx: lilimu squawksks] whoo!! wewe gotta go again.n. only pay f for what yoyou ne. libertyty. liberty.y. liliberty. libiberty. [ cat pupurrs ] [ phone e vibrates ] ] intrododucing astetepro alle.
on us, we spied on the balloon. we threw a blanket over the silo and they didn t get anything. china was flying all over the place with trump and biden is a big popper and started shooting everything out of the sky. something like mom and pop easter in illinois balloon club deal. that is right. then they got mad and said blinken, you can t go to dinner with the chinese and then they shot one down and we missed with a $2 million missile and found out biden family was taking millions from china. but we were mad if they were going to send weapons to the ru russians. china is cheating and we can t believe everything the pentagon tells us. leave it on that, up next,