manhattans, he will face a 34-count indictment related to hush-money payment made in the run-up to the election, jen psaki says democrats might want to consider restraint. where does that leave democrats? what should they be doing about the indictment news? let me start with what i don t think you should be doing. as much as you may want to, now is not lock them up t-shirts and mugs, that is what trump and his supporters would do. now is not the time to celebrate, brag, predict outcome of the legal cases. if you can, i would put your head down and stay out ever it for now. greg: moderate democrats have doubts about the case. it is a very, very sad day for america, very sad day, especially when people believe the rule of law or justice is not working the way it is supposed to and biassed, we can t have that. no one should be above the law. no one should be a target of the law. it will lead to political theater. greg: grab your bucket and mop, the media is wetting their p
on us, we spied on the balloon. we threw a blanket over the silo and they didn t get anything. china was flying all over the place with trump and biden is a big popper and started shooting everything out of the sky. something like mom and pop easter in illinois balloon club deal. that is right. then they got mad and said blinken, you can t go to dinner with the chinese and then they shot one down and we missed with a $2 million missile and found out biden family was taking millions from china. but we were mad if they were going to send weapons to the ru russians. china is cheating and we can t believe everything the pentagon tells us. leave it on that, up next,