withdraw all troops in iraq by the end of the year. well, it s happening just as i said it would. iraq is becoming very, very, very close to iran. iran will end up taking over iraq. they are all happy that the united states has been forced to leave. our negotiators don t know what they are doing. our president has no clue. we are going to be leaving iraq, we are going to be giving, handing on a silver platter, the second-largest oil reserves in the world to iran. now i ve been saying this for two years, three years. you go back and check. nobody else has said it but donald trump. i turn out to be right. they are going to be giving iraq and the second-largest oil reserves in the world to iran. and, man, we are really, really being led by stupid people. there you have it from the donald. can you imagine staying under water for three days? well this man has been dreaming
withdraw all troops in iraq by the end of the year. well, it s happening just as i said it would. iraq is becoming very, very, very close to iran. iran will end up taking over iraq. they are all happy that the united states has been forced to leave. our negotiators don t know what they are doing. our president has no clue. we are going to be leaving iraq, we are going to be giving, handing on a silver platter, the second-largest oil reserves in the world to iran. now i ve been saying this for two years, three years. you go back and check. nobody else has said it but donald trump. i turn out to be right. they are going to be giving iraq and the second-largest oil reserves in the world to iran. and, man, we are really, really being led by stupid people. there you have it from the donald. can you imagine staying under water for three days? well this man has been dreaming about it and now he s trying to
tomorrow we ll hear from goldman executives, including the boss, lloyd bankfine, and a self- self-incriminating e-mail person, fabulous fab. at a place at a time when we need someone to blame for this financial crisis, goldman sachs looks to have served itself up to us on a silver platter. but given that this was the worst recession since the great depression, we actually need the truth more than we need a scapegoat or a bogeyman. it would be easier for and for some people more enjoyable to decide that goldman had a major hand in the destruction of our economy. but the truth, as we know, is often not that convenient. so together, let s keep an open mind. i ll see you tomorrow in washington. that s it for me. time now for rick s list. ali, we ll be concentrating on what s going on in arizona. somebody is saying that the police in arizona are akin to nazis, and spelling it out in refried beans.
breakdowns with law enforcement. the fbi had this guy s name on a silver platter. not just innuendo and there were a lot of students in that school that said we think he s going to be a school shooter. dana: so, people have been asked if you see something, say something. right. dana: and they did. right. dana: multiple times, over 40 times. right. even then the law does not allow for them to take somebody into custody. that s what i was saying. what could the fbi do? a lot of times they go and kind of scare you, right? yeah. we are on to your trail and that s the hope. what could they do? could they commit him? there salah down there where you can get an examination. i suspect going from there to committing him to putting him on meds could be very, very difficult. so easy, it kind of reminds me on west side story officer kropke everyone dumps the problem on the cops. it s not my problem. it s not my problem it s this or that we have to say what could they have done