responders on the airport property. some of that we ve already talked about yesterday. i have seen and heard some reports about a 4,000-per-minute 4,000-foot-per-minute descent rate. they have reviewed the radar data. and the group that reviewed the initial faa radar data have indicated that there s no abnormally steep descent curve that s been detected in the data that they have. our power plants team has conducted an on-scene examination of the two engines. they indicate those preliminary evaluations indicate that both of the engines were producing power at the time of impact. and this is consistent with
rescue workers struck one of the girls with their vehicle after she had survived the crash. claudia is live at sfo. claudia, investigators tell this news conference in the last hour. bring us up to date on what was said. well, shepard, by all accounts there were no problems with the aircraft until just seconds before it landed here at san francisco international airport. investigators with the national transportation and safety board , the lead federal agency, on this plane crash investigation, say there is still much work to do. they say their final report could take a year or more to complete, and they are cautioning against rushing to any conclusions here about pilot error. for instance, investigators say they re also taking a close look at the engines. our power plants team is conducting an on-scene examination of the two engines. they indicate, preliminary