Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Friday rebutted criticisms that the weather updates weren’t accurate and said the state-of-the-art regional meteorological centre had alerted about severe rains in Southern Tamil Nadu way ahead of the downpour.
Renault India Support Flood-hit TN: Renault is offering free-of-cost roadside assistance to help customers transport their vehicles to the nearest dealerships. It has also pledged to reimburse the towing costs incurred by customers who independently arranged for their vehicle transportation, the company said.
Hyundai Motor India: The company’s onsite teams are working along with state government authorities to deliver emergency relief, including food, water, shelter, medical assistance and other essential commodities to affected communities, the company said.
. on floods and stuff. so if you want a new experience no counting is just the thing and there s no doubt you ll get better dremel and rush. for a break here in the black forest that s no problem there are lots of chalets restaurants and rustic and for instance the right monte holds a guest house run by the andrus family. and all come to. know anybody in florida that. it s located in beautiful surroundings near the fence that. hikers and cross-country skiers often stop here it s one of the oldest inns in the black forest.