A spokesman for Nepal’s Civil Aviation Authority says a flight data recorder and a cockpit voice recorder have been retrieved from the site of the crash of a.
Officials say search teams retrieved the flight data and cockpit voice recorders of a passenger plane that crashed on approach to a new airport in Nepal s Himalayan foothills
A spokesman for Nepal’s Civil Aviation Authority says a flight data recorder and a cockpit voice recorder have been retrieved from the site of the crash of a.
<div class="at-above-post addthis tool" data-url="http://www.metro.us/nepal-mourns-after-deadly-plane-crash-kills-at-least-66/"></div>POKHARA, Nepal (AP) Search teams retrieved the flight data and cockpit voice recorders Monday of a passenger plane that crashed on approach to a new airport in Nepal’s Himalayan foothills, officials said. At least 69 of the 72 people aboard were killed in the crash, whose cause is unknown. Rescuers are still searching the […]<! AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on get the excerpt ><! AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on get the excerpt ><! AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get the excerpt ><! AddThis Share Buttons above via filter on get the excerpt ><! AddThis Share Buttons below via filter on get the excerpt ><div class="at-below-post addthis tool" data-url="http://www.metro.us/nepal-mourns-after-deadly-plane-crash-ki
A spokesman for Nepal’s Civil Aviation Authority says a flight data recorder and a cockpit voice recorder have been retrieved from the site of the crash of a.