Editor's Note: At press time, the following events and meetings were known to be still scheduled. Organizers or appropriate officials are encouraged to contact Sandra Hope at shope@pbcommercial.com to make additions or changes.
Editor's Note: At press time, the following events and meetings were known to be still scheduled. Organizers or appropriate officials are encouraged to contact Sandra Hope at shope@pbcommercial.com to make additions or changes.
BREATH OF LIFE CHURCH, 1313 Pine St., will present its Youth Sunday program at 10:30 a.m. Sunday. The guest speaker will be Pine Bluff Assistant Police Chief Kelven Hadley. Hadley is a 27-year veteran of the police department. He is a member of the Open-Door Church, under the leadership of his pastor, LeArthur Shelton. Hadley is married to Gwen Hadley and the father of K.J. and Hannah Hadley. Breath of Life members and the pastor, Kerry Price Sr., invite everyone to attend the in-person program, according to Jennifer Lee, youth day program director. The church will follow guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Editor's Note: At press time, the following events and meetings were known to be still scheduled. Organizers or appropriate officials are encouraged to contact Sandra Hope at shope@pbcommercial.com to make additions or changes.
Editor's Note: At press time, the following events and meetings were known to be still scheduled. Organizers or appropriate officials are encouraged to contact Sandra Hope at shope@pbcommercial.com to make additions or changes.