Is One Term Enough?
Trump has been beaten…..what can we say about his one term presidency?
President Trump is a commanding presence in the public arena of 2020, but what about a century from now? In a
New York Times op-ed, NPR’s Steve Inskeep takes the long view and suggests that Trump’s presidential legacy will be relatively minor. Trump appears on track to be viewed by future historians less as a proactive president in his own right than as “the reaction to a game-changing president Barack Obama,” writes Inskeep, the author of books on 19th-century American history. “Something like this is true of many presidents,” he adds. “A relative handful enact lasting change, while others respond to them.” In Trump’s case, he rose as a candidate with fierce attacks on Obama and continued them as president.
nora her mother and her little brother were separated from their father at the train station they crossed the soviet union in the cattle cars trucks and on fort thousands of kilometers later they reach the altai region of siberia a little brother died along the way. they lived in barracks in the forest the mother and the other women were forced to do hard labor hunger was the worst part of their ordeal. thank you jim i hear much of the first winter was particularly harsh there were blizzards and the bread deliveries couldn t get through we didn t get our ration of two hundred grams a day. i counted the potatoes or sixty three that s all the two of us had for a whole month. what exactly the soviet old fart is accused her parents of and why they had to leave their village is still
nora her mother and her little brother were separated from their father at the train station. they crossed the soviet union in the cattle cars trucks and on fort thousands of kilometers later they reach the altai region of siberia little brother died along the way. they lived in barracks in the forest the mother and the other women were forced to do hard labor. was the worst part of their ordeal. thank you jim i hear much of the first winter was particularly harsh there were blizzards and the bread deliveries couldn t get through we didn t get our ration of two hundred grams a day. i counted the potatoes or sixty three that s all the two of us had for a whole month. what exactly the soviet old fart is accused her parents of and
but these are trickier. what do you think about these plates? old fart and horn man. old fart, probably yes. got it backwards. old fart rejected. horn man approved. horn man, good. old fart, bad. got it? how about these? big turd and big jonson. big jonson approved. big turd rejected. i don t get that. the selection process seemed random and a local viewer spotted unique and questionable license plates in the district of florida. see food on a save humanity. krakhed and i m a spy.
i get the idea they don t want people in florida driving around with cu-nhel on license plates but these are trickier. what do you think about these plates? old fart and horn man. old fart, probably yes. got it backwards. old fart rejected. horn man approved. horn man, good. old fart, bad. got it? how about these? big turd and big jonson. big jonson approved. big turd rejected. i would reject big johnson. big johnson was approved by the state. who wants to drive around with that on your plate? there are a bunch of unique and some questionable license plates in the district of florida. see food on a save humanity. krakhed and i m a spy.