but these are trickier. what do you think about these plates? old fart and horn man. old fart, probably yes. got it backwards. old fart rejected. horn man approved. horn man, good. old fart, bad. got it? how about these? big turd and big jonson. big jonson approved. big turd rejected. i don t get that. the selection process seemed random and a local viewer spotted unique and questionable license plates in the district of florida. see food on a save humanity. krakhed and i m a spy.
i get the idea they don t want people in florida driving around with cu-nhel on license plates but these are trickier. what do you think about these plates? old fart and horn man. old fart, probably yes. got it backwards. old fart rejected. horn man approved. horn man, good. old fart, bad. got it? how about these? big turd and big jonson. big jonson approved. big turd rejected. i would reject big johnson. big johnson was approved by the state. who wants to drive around with that on your plate? there are a bunch of unique and some questionable license plates in the district of florida. see food on a save humanity. krakhed and i m a spy.
gun play, rejected. i get the idea they don t want floridians driving around with cu-nhel on license plates, but these are trickier. what do you think about these plates? old fart and horn man. old fart, probably yes. got it backwards. old fart rejected. horn man approved. horn man, good. old fart, bad. got it? how about these? big tird and big johnson. big jonson approved. big turd rejected. i don t get that. the selection process seemed random and a local viewer spotted unique and questionable license plates in the district of florida. nch see food on a save humani.