some people will tell you, kids, they say the darnedest things. others will simply say, out of mouths of the babes, if you re my grandmother. but say we heard the truth from the mouth of a child who should be asking to ride her bicycle with that voice, not having to testify before the house representatives about how she was forced to try and save her own life and did. her quick thinking should be commended. but the fact that she had to even do it should be condemned. nearly three weeks since a child was forced to confront pure evil, we re getting a glimpse of the horror she witnessed from inside that courtroom inside that classroom. shot my teacher and told my teacher, shot her in the head. and then he shot some of my classmates and the white board. when i went to the backpacks, he shot my friend that was next to me. and i thought he was going to come back to the room so, i grabbed the blood and i put it all over me. if that had been fiction, parents would not let a chi