orthodox church, the blessing of the killing of ukrainians throughout the country, who blessing the attack and being aggressor and who is have a lot of property in europe and in the united states. and definitely we should need to do that. and we definitely need to continue the embargo, including the oil sanction and help european union to keep unity with the oil embargo. this is important thing to demonstrate the leadership of the united states in the world, in the sanction matter. mr. poroshenko, you ve been visiting the front lines there. is it a significant loss for ukrainian forces, for russia to take the stay of marcity of mariupol? i was yesterday in the south. on the border between the kherson and mykolaiv region and if you want to command the situation on mariupol, this is the heroic ukrainian soldiers
power in venezuela. the u.s. is imposing sanctions against the state owned oil company. which it accuses of embezzling money for politicians and businessmen. top u.s. officials are not ruling out a military option. we have reaction. reporter: harsh reaction from the em battled venezuela leader. against the oil sanctions. we have been oil sanction that the department of state placed on the venezuela state company. on monday evening. he defined labeled the sanctions as criminal. and unjustified. and order legal action against the sanction. you have some strong words against the u.s. president. directly calling on him and saying that you will have blood
test in the month of january. and they have been pushing back on the iranians ever since. obviously, pulling out of the nuclear deal, slapping sanctions on them is having an impact. by the way, even though the oil sanction does not take effect until next in november, the first week of november, iranian exports are down. oil exports are down 35%, so they are already being hammered because people are pulling away with all the sanctions being imposed. and once the sanctions are going to be imposed, i think we will see iran possibly reach out to the united states and say let s talk. because listen, the economy is in the tank. the currency is spiraling absolutely out of control. just shortages, electricity shortages almost on a weekly basis. it is occurring every week and i ran, civil unrest, the noose is tightening around that regimes
going on at the fordo facility buried deep within a mountaineer the city of kum, a repudiation by the west of the security council resolutions adopted since 2006 and, indeed the european position since 2002, iran had to suspend all all uranium enrichment activity, so that is the going position from the west and it shows a desire to find a deal to do anything they can to avert a strike. eric: to let them continue with the uranium enrichment, in 2006 the u.n. security council demanded they stop, has iran won? yes, absolutely, let s be clear as you know from your experience covering the u.n., going in positions are never the positions you go out with and iran will ask for more concession from the west, relief from the oil sanction and, perhaps, others.