Minister Pradhan remarked, "Commencement of oil & gas production by @ONGC from KG basin will boost indigenous production of hydrocarbon resources, further strengthen India s energy security and add momentum to achieving self-reliance in energy. It is due to the reforms initiated by PM @narendramodi that our sedimentary basins are being transformed into thriving hubs of E&P activities. Kudos to the team of @PetroleumMin led by Minister @HardeepSPuri."
These three entities are the AAI, the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) and the Indian Oil Corporation (IOC). In 1995, a government resolution had ordered all the commercial entities, including central PSUs, functioning in Gujarat to hire 85 per cent of their workforce from Gujarat.
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It will make domestic gas available to the customers and will contribute to the country s economy as a whole, he said. By leveraging the NEGG infrastructure, the hydrocarbon potential of the northeastern region can be fully utilised for development of a gas-based economy in line with the Centre s Hydrocarbon Vision 2030, Kumar said. IGGL is also in touch with other natural gas producing companies to hook up their gas fields with NEGG.