Offering antibody tests on demand to consumers on its website for 119 plus a 10 service fee. In marketing emails like this one, the Company Calls the test an immune response blood test, and says, understanding this gives you insight on whether its right to return to work, school and activity. Do you agree with that statement . I dont agree with that statement. Reporter hes Michael Osterholm who heads the university of Minnesota Infectious Disease Research and policy. Many of the individuals who end up being test positive are going to be false positive, meaning that they dont really have the antibody. Even if you do have it, we dont know what it means yet. And so i think its very premature to market these tests like this, and i think that its almost preying on the vulnerability of the public today. Reporter preying on them, you say, because i did, yeah, i think selling antibody tests to the general epter butuest dnt is wrong. S agrees. Uses are clinically validated and appropriate. So h
So that it recognizes the humanity and the dignity of every person. This town hall that we are having today as part of an ongoing my brothers Keeper Alliance town whole series in my brothers keepers will was launched by president obama in 2014 after trayvon martin. The president launched it in the east room of the white house calling on america and everybody to do whatever they could in their power to make sure young men of color knew that they mattered into reduce the systemic barriers that stand in their way and make sure every young person has every opportunity to reach their dreams. Today the work of my brothers keeper continues at the my brothers Keeper Alliance at the Obama Foundation. Where we lead a network of 250 communities and a massive call to action to mayors and other folks in communities across the country, this is to build and have clear pathways of opportunity. We are excited to have president obama sharing his viewpoints today but also gathered a panel of local and Na
Outrage. Black people are three times more likely to be killed than white people. We can take steps and make reforms to combat Police Violence and systemic racism within enforcement. Together we can work to redefine look safety so it recognizes the humanity and dignity of every person. This townhome is part of an ongoing my brothers keeper series. It was launched by president obama in 2014 after the tragic killing of trayvon martin. The president called on america and everybody to do whatever they could in their power to make sure young men of color new knew that they matter and to reduce the systemic barriers that stand in their way to make sure every young person has every opportunity to reach their dreams. Today, the work of my brothers keeper continues at the Obama Foundation, where we lead a network of more than 250 communities and a massive call to action to businesses, mayors, and other folks across the country. Our mission is to build safe and supportive communities where young
Participated in a town hall on Racial Justice and Police Reform hosted by my brothers Keeper Alliance, a program of the Obama Foundation. Foundation. Good afternoon my name is Michael Smith that executive director of my brothers keeper. Thank you all for joining us for this critical and important conversation today. The killing of george floyd, breanna taylor, ahmad aubrey into many black lives in the list have left until after nation outreach. More than a thousand people are killed by Police Every Year in america and black people are three times more likely to be killed than white people. We can take steps and make reforms to combat Police Violence and systemic racism within Law Enforcement, we can work to redefine Public Safety so that it recognizes the humanity and the dignity of every person. This town hall that we are having today as part of an ongoing my brothers Keeper Alliance town whole series in my brothers keepers will was launched by president obama in 2014 after trayvon ma
Alliance. Good afternoon. I am the executive director of the my brothers Keeper Alliance. Thank you all for joining us today. The killer of george floyd the killings of george floyd, breonna taylor, have left americans outraged. More than 1000 are killed in america and black people are three times more likely to be killed than white people. Together, we can work to refine redefine Public Safety so that it recognizes the dignity and humanity of every person. This town hall is part of a n ongoing mine brothers Keeper Alliance town hall series. My brothers keeper was launched in 2014 after the tragic killing of trayvon martin. The president launched it in the east room of the white house, everybody to do whatever they could in their power to make sure men of color knew that they matter and to reduce the systemic barriers that stand in their way to make sure every young person has every opportunity to reach their dreams. Today, the work of my brothers keeper continues at the Obama Foundati