Did you hear that? If you stopped by the Wheeling Artisan Center today, you didn't actually hear a buzzing sound persay, but you could hear some lips smacking for sure.
WHEELING – The Ohio County Virtual Lions Club is slated to hold its inaugural steak fry from 6-10 p.m. April 29 at the Warwood Vets Club. Kris Quinn, president of the Ohio County Virtual Lions Club, said the club, which began during the COVID-19 pandemic, is now 41 members strong. Their first steak fry, which […]
‘Random Acts of Kindness’ Contest Winner Announced
Apr 24, 2021
Main Street Bank President and CEO Rich Lucas, center, hands checks to Chris Doty, left, president of the Ohio County Virtual Lions Club, and Matt Rafa, right, winner of the Random Acts of Kindness/Essential Workers contest, sponsored by Main Street Bank and the Intelligencer and Wheeling News-Register. Rafa received a cash prize as the winner and a donation was made to the Ohio County Virtual Lions Club as well. Rafa then donated his cash winnings to the Ohio County Animal Shelter and Grow Warwood Pride. (Photo by Joe Lovell)
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