WHEELING The Ohio Valley Virtual Lions Club has come up with a sweet way to help military veterans and the Soup Kitchen of Greater Wheeling, and give locals an idea about what the Lions Club contributes to the community. The group is holding “Almost Honey Heaven,” a honey-tasting event from 11 a.m. to 3 […]
Did you hear that? If you stopped by the Wheeling Artisan Center today, you didn't actually hear a buzzing sound persay, but you could hear some lips smacking for sure.
Susanna Frohman
Ben Martin of Forest Grove, Oregon, received a Farmer Veteran Coalition grant in 2015 to assist in bottling his first vintage of wine. Farmer Veteran Coalition provides grants to help veterans get started and advance careers in farming.
Jan 15, 2021
The Farmer Veteran Fellowship Fund is a small grant program that helps veterans in their early years of farming and ranching with the purchase of a piece of critical equipment. In 10 years, the Fellowship Fund has funded more than 600 veterans with $3 million in equipment.
A new grant cycle is underway for 2021 funding. An application for the Farmer Veteran Fellowship Fund must be filled out and submitted by Feb. 14, 2021.