of this, lee? what is really encouraging about it, we re starting to have difficult conversation were afraid to have before because of the high level of political partisanship in washington. but now we re backed up against the wall and we have to start talking about it. jamie: and can t be afraid. thanks, lee hawkins, from the wall street journal very good insight on this and interesting topic. thank you so much for joining us. thank you. jamie: rick? rick: jamie, a game of chicken it seems between the u.s. and venezuela. venezuelan president hugo chavez the same man who called president bush the devil, well he is now daring the u.s. to cut ties over some diplomatic disagreements but a federal official is warning there will be consequences if chavez doesn t fall in line. jennifer griffin is in washington with details. oh brother, jennifer. hugo chavez daring the state department to retaliate? what is going on? reporter: it did late yesterday. the state department revoked visa a
dancing with the stars my dad passed away on that show. every time i felt this is ridiculous. my feet are bleeding. i get a 21-year-old girl, i was ready to quit college, i didn t quit because you didn t quit, oh man, i can t quit now. i gain strength from other people. you mentioned dancing with the stars, i the trophy. oh brother! and i love saying this i say this on stage. where did you come in at? third place. so did bristol palin. but we know the girls dance much harder and the boys. whatever! i had to do 15 spins, go into a flying death drop, bend over backwards. this is what the boys do. what s your point.
dancing with the stars my dad passed away on that show. every time i felt this is ridiculous. my feet are bleeding. i get a 21-year-old girl, i was ready to quit college, i didn t quit because you didn t quit, oh man, i can t quit now. i gain strength from other people. you mentioned dancing with the stars, i the trophy. oh brother! and i love saying this i say this on stage. where did you come in at? third place. so did bristol palin. but we know the girls dance much harder and the boys. whatever! i had to do 15 spins, go into a flying death drop, bend over backwards. this is what the boys do. what s your point.
dancing with the stars my dad passed away on that show. every time i felt this is ridiculous. my feet are bleeding. i get a 21-year-old girl, i was ready to quit college, i didn t quit because you didn t quit, oh man, i can t quit now. i gain strength from other people. you mentioned dancing with the stars, i the trophy. oh brother! and i love saying this i say this on stage. where did you come in at? third place. so did bristol palin. but we know the girls dance much harder and the boys. whatever! i had to do 15 spins, go into a flying death drop, bend over backwards. this is what the boys do. what s your point.
government! patti ann: go ahead, brad. do we have brad there? oh brother. we ll it sounds like he s back. brad is back. brad, vanguard president and ceo william mcnabb even is saying reform is necessary to restore the trust of investors which is at all-time lows. you have a lot of people, even on wall street, saying there are definitely parts of the system that need to be fixed. what about that? absolutely. fix that which is broken. very simple. don t create more government and layer government when we have about as much government as we can take. i m not sure this isn t creating more government. this is not really going to create more government. you created a 202,000 page bill that northbound has read. it s a 2000 page bill, it s a lot of bill but not more government. you bet it s more government. it s a different structure and we will see, i think, that number one, we re going to have more that it s all going to be about consumer protection, number two, these costs a