first going through, so it shouldn t be a surprise to anybody. that issue will have to be addressed by the united states supreme court, and they address it on the side of this is a tax and it s within congress to do this. it shouldn t be surpris surprising this issue was not addressed, many people dislike the policy of this particular bill. the national healthcare reform act people don t like. they don t care what reason was going to be used as long as it was going to be unconstitutional. what you said is not correct. patti ann: go ahead, jay. the white house defended the action, the statute as a part of the commerce clause authority. republicans said from the beginning, this was a tax. the defense of the act, the statute was not based on the taxing authority, it was based on the commerce clause, and it was the taxing authority was what the supreme court, at least
government! patti ann: go ahead, brad. do we have brad there? oh brother. we ll it sounds like he s back. brad is back. brad, vanguard president and ceo william mcnabb even is saying reform is necessary to restore the trust of investors which is at all-time lows. you have a lot of people, even on wall street, saying there are definitely parts of the system that need to be fixed. what about that? absolutely. fix that which is broken. very simple. don t create more government and layer government when we have about as much government as we can take. i m not sure this isn t creating more government. this is not really going to create more government. you created a 202,000 page bill that northbound has read. it s a 2000 page bill, it s a lot of bill but not more government. you bet it s more government. it s a different structure and we will see, i think, that number one, we re going to have more that it s all going to be about consumer protection, number two, these costs a