The Moab City Police Department has recently come under national scrutiny both for its handling of a domestic violence incident this summer involving murder victim Gabrielle Petito [See “Petito case
Jun. 2—MORGANTOWN — The ordinance creating the Morgantown Civilian Police Review and Advisory Board body has been presented and adopted. But the special committee that drafted the law lives on. Morgantown City Council voted unanimously Tuesday against the dissolution of the special committee on community policing, which spent more than 10 months drafting the ordinance. Council adopted the .
misconduct, other routine traffic practices like stops and searches, if they agree on these items, is there reason to move forward and pass what they agree on, isn t something better than nothing? well, not to my mind because qualified immunity is a problem. let me tell you what they don t talk about. they talk about no knock warrants and there being a restriction, or a prohibition of no knock warrants, only on federal drug warrants, says nothing about state and local drug warrants, which are the majority of the ones that we see that are problematic. breonna taylor was not served a search warrant by a federal government. they talk about a federal registry. you think derek chauvin wasn t already on a list. he had 18 personnel complaints. do you think the officer that shot and paralyzed jacob blake was not already on a list, the officer who shot rayshard brooks in the back was not on a list? we know this to be true because of the ronald greene incident.
The NYPD has adopted a disciplinary matrix, setting consequences for officer misconduct, but there are exceptions to the rules; CBS2's Natalie Duddridge reports.