Dear Editor: I came home from a birthday party Saturday afternoon to discover that my shiny new house number sign had been installed and in the perfect place! Thank you, Boothbay Fire Department, for providing this extra service to the community.
I found it a bit too cold Saturday night to go to the beach to watch this amazing event, but Susan Endicott kindly sent me the following account. “Saturday, February 24, at 8:00 p.m,, thecold water dipping group, The Little Dippers, gathered under.
The six swimmers line up. They hear, “Take your mark!” They tense on the starting blocks, one foot in front of the other. After a loud whistle, they propel forward into the water and free stroke furiously down the length of the pool. After 46.40.
For the past couple of months, the Boothbay Harbor Police Department has been working on the problem of bicyclists riding the wrong way on Townsend Avenue. In early June, Officer Larry Brown and Rotarian Bill Prince, who oversees Rotary’s Bicycle.
Wow. Just wow. The Halloween Parade Reboot was spectacular; an example of community-wide collaboration at its finest. Starting in September with a call to Officer Larry Brown and then Jen, BHML Children’s Coordinator, going door to door to the.