Correspondent for more perfect union, the Real News Network and tv. Previously, she was a heavy metal editor. Advice and was a Founding Member of the vice union fight like hell the untold story of america is her first book, who. Accident maximillian alvarez, the editor in chief of the Real News Network in baltimore, the author of the work of living, the host of working people, a podcast, the lives of jobs, dreams and struggles. The working class today. Prior to joining the real news, he was an associate editor at the chronicle Higher Education and graduated with a dual ph. D. In history and comparative literature from the university michigan. His work has been featured in a range of outlets, including the nation, in these boston review, truthout and baffler and i also we lost panelist to the vagaries of covid. I read her book as i did the Angela Garbes cant be with. She is the author of essential change mothering as social change and as the primary caregiver for three daughters who are
By a freelance journalist and author based in philadelphia. She has been a labor columnist, teen vogue, since 2018 and her writing on labor class, politics and culture has appeared in the new republic. The washington post, the baffler and the nation, esquire and many others. Kelly has also as a video correspondent for more perfect union, the Real News Network and tv. Previously, she was a heavy metal editor. Advice and was a Founding Member of the vice union fight like hell the untold story of america is her first book, who. Accident maximillian alvarez, the editor in chief of the Real News Network in baltimore, the author of the work of living, the host of working people, a podcast, the lives of jobs, dreams and struggles. The working class today. Prior to joining the real news, he was an associate editor at the chronicle Higher Education and graduated with a dual ph. D. In history and comparative literature from the university michigan. His work has been featured in a range of outlet
Sally satel discusses her book brainwashed the seductive appeal of mindless neuroscience at the fourteenth annual book festival at the Walter Washington center in washington d. C. Welcome to the National Book festival. I am Wendi Maloney of the Copyright Office of the library of congress. Please note we are recording this presentation from a web casting. If you ask a question during the presentations then you are giving us permission to include you in the web cast. Please turn off all electronic devices. It is my pleasure to introduce sally satel. Sally satel is a psychiatrist and president scholar at the American Enterprise institute. 19881993 she was an assistant professor at Yale University where she remains a lecturer. Sally satel is the author of many scholarly articles and books including drug treatment the case for coercion and pc md how Political Correctness is corrupting medicine. In brainwashed the seductive appeal of mindless neuroscience, published by basic books in 2013, s
The regular meeting of the San Francisco Ethics Commission is called to order. King . Here. Andrews. Here and commissioner hur said that he will be here, seeing that we have a quorum we will start and he will be a few minutes late and commissioner hayon will be excused and to welcome mr. King as the newest commissioner and hopefully, you will find it interesting and enjoyable. Thank you, mr. Chair, it is a great pleasure to be on this commission, and i have followed your activities over the years. And i look forward to having a very fruitful, and very interesting time, serving with all of you. All right, and at this time, i would, is there any Public Comment on either matters on the agenda or that are within the jurisdiction of the Ethics Commission in yes, thank you very much, commissioners. The corporate way, but the Public Library and dont give money to the friends of the library and i do have a graphic display and i hope that you know that on september 19, the california fair polit
King . Here. Andrews. Here and commissioner hur said that he will be here, seeing that we have a quorum we will start and he will be a few minutes late and commissioner hayon will be excused and to welcome mr. King as the newest commissioner and hopefully, you will find it interesting and enjoyable. Thank you, mr. Chair, it is a great pleasure to be on this commission, and i have followed your activities over the years. And i look forward to having a very fruitful, and very interesting time, serving with all of you. All right, and at this time, i would, is there any Public Comment on either matters on the agenda or that are within the jurisdiction of the Ethics Commission in yes, thank you very much, commissioners. The corporate way, but the Public Library and dont give money to the friends of the library and i do have a graphic display and i hope that you know that on september 19, the california fair political practices commissioner in sacramento found that the city librarian was gui