May we perceive the love you have for us and may that translate into love for one another, especially the most vulnerable. Finally, may we recognize that all this comes as a gift from you from jesus christ so that we can find new life in him. It is in his name i pray. Amen. The speaker pro tempore the chair has examined the journal of the last days proceedings and announces to the house his approval thereof. Pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1, the journal stands approved. The pledge of allegiance will be led by the gentleman from South Carolina, mr. Wilson. Mr. Wilson everyone, including guests in the fwalry, please join in. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The speaker pro tempore without objection the gentleman from North Carolina, mr. Walker is recognized for one minute. Mr. Walker thank you, mr. Speaker. You just heard a man in j. D. Greear i have
Get ready to head out the door in oakland it is a busy one. Fruitvale b. A. R. T. Station expect low 60s, grab a jacket and it will be a nice mild day. We will see a wide range in temperatures across the south bay with cupertino reaching 80 and gilroy 90. Well talk more about this and whats ahead coming up. Mike youre updating a crash in menlo park. A few minutes ago video showing you this car overturned, a vehicle going off the roadway there, southbound 101 at marsh, and one person has died as a result of this crash and the investigation were told now from redwood city pd so it must be in the redwood city menlo park border use willow or woodside. Lets show what you were talking about. The construction crew is cleared from the northbound side and kari showed you the busy traffic as construction clears in oakland as well. As the morning continues this may last until 8 00 a. M. Any time after 7 00 on the peninsula we see more traffic and 7 30 well start to see more slowing through palo a
15 years ago in is your mike on . There we go. Thank you. Theres a switch on the mikes. 15 years ago in a journal of American History article, john butler challenged historians of modern america to Pay Attention to religion. In particular, he noted,lin religions continue importance contains analysis. In political history religion has retained in butlers e voktive term, a jack in the box. Left to pop up occasionally rather than systematically. Today our round table will address how religion matters in american political history and well do so in three ways. First ill each each panelist to focus on a way in which religion matters. That is in their own research how religion plays a role and in spaces they are working on but also how centering religion gives us a different narrative, a different story than if it were on the periphery. Second well talk about butlers provocati provocation. Why have political historians remain reluctant bystanders about religion in American History and why do
Also want to thank the witnesses for being accommodating knowing vote scheduled interfered with the original hearing schedule and accommodating us today. The topics covered in this hearing and i said this previously are not necessarily what is going to make cable news every night but incredible importance when we think of how best to serve the United States of america, our interests and Foreign Policy and the foundation for any real Successful Organization always starts with the right people and make sure they are equipped with the right resources and ability to do their job effectively. I said multiple times previously and want to reiterate we are proud of the men and women that serve us in our diplomatic corps overseas and in Development Work around the world and these are patriotic americans. I once again want to reiterate the work of how important it is for foreignpolicy and american strength. The last few months as subcommittees chairman i had the pleasure of meeting with many ind
Historians talk about religious influence on u. S. Politics and Foreign Policy in the 20th century, and address the question of why this is not a highly studied topic. This was part of a two Day Conference called remaking american political history. Thank you all for coming. I will be chairing this roundtable today. I will give you a brief overview of what were going to talk group,nd introduce our and then we will get started. 15 years ago [inaudible] oh, there we go. Thank you. There is a switch on the mic. 15 years ago, in a journal of American History article, john butler challenged historians of modern america to Pay Attention to religion. In particular, he noted, religion of the continuing importance in 20th century american politics deserves sustained attention and analysis. Of american religious history have proliferated over the past 15 years, yet in political history, religion has often retained a jackinthebox surprising,olorful, anomalous, idiosyncratic, but left on the perip