Good morning. Today, were having a hearing on the Biden Administrations fiscal year 2025 budget request for the department of education. And then happy to welcome secretary cardona to her subcommittee once again. Mr. Secretary, looking forward to working in a bipartisan manner again this year with senator capito to help develop h hhs villa billick and pase come pass a senate, pass the senate be signed into law by the president. We did her last year but House Republicans insistence on partisan policy writers had to coding cuts that set our children young people up for success led to repeated shutdown, showdowns and crs. That culminated in passing final appropriation bills in march that we should a past months before. That can askance does nothing to help ensure our federal resources are used most effectively to serve the people we represent. It causes federal agencies to waste time and money instead of working to ensure every dollar we appropriate served our constituents. We cannot play
Good morning. Today, were having a hearing on the Biden Administrations fiscal year 2025 budget request for the department of education. And then happy to welcome secretary cardona to her subcommittee once again. Mr. Secretary, looking forward to working in a bipartisan manner again this year with senator capito to help develop h hhs villa billick and pase come pass a senate, pass the senate be signed into law by the president. We did her last year but House Republicans insistence on partisan policy writers had to coding cuts that set our children young people up for success led to repeated shutdown, showdowns and crs. That culminated in passing final appropriation bills in march that we should a past months before. That can askance does nothing to help ensure our federal resources are used most effectively to serve the people we represent. It causes federal agencies to waste time and money instead of working to ensure every dollar we appropriate served our constituents. We cannot play
Antisemitism on campus. While agreeing that the problem is more prevalent nationwide with a pushback on occupations of their universities condoning antisemitism and take. This hearing is just over three hours 15 minutes. Good morning. The disrupting classrooms the principal agents of antijewish harassment and violence and have made an absolute mockery of socalled University Leaders. Thats why the committee is getting gas yet again calling for accountability for those in charge of universities. Today with mr. Michael schill of Northwestern University, dr. Jean block of ucla, and dr. Johnson holloway of Rutgers University. Each of you should be ashamed of your decisions to allow antisemitic encampments to endanger jewish students. You should be doubly ashamed for capitulating to the antisemitic rule breakers. Our job today is first and foremost to hold those who are supposed to be in charge to account. Dr. Jean block, you will testify to the horrific violent events that unfolded at ucla,
Good morning. Today, were having a hearing on the Biden Administrations fiscal year 2025 budget request for the department of education. And then happy to welcome secretary cardona to her subcommittee once again. Mr. Secretary, looking forward to working in a bipartisan manner again this year with senator capito to help develop h hhs villa billick and pase come pass a senate, pass the senate be signed into law by the president. We did her last year but House Republicans insistence on partisan policy writers had to coding cuts that set our children young people up for success led to repeated shutdown, showdowns and crs. That culminated in passing final appropriation bills in march that we should a past months before. That can askance does nothing to help ensure our federal resources are used most effectively to serve the people we represent. It causes federal agencies to waste time and money instead of working to ensure every dollar we appropriate served our constituents. We cannot play
Oh wow support cspan is a Public Service along these other levision providers. Giving you a front row seat to democracy. Testimony from the president of northwestern, rutgers and ucla on the rise of antisemitism on campus. While agreeing the problem is more prevalent nationwide, they push back on accusations that universities condone antisemitism and hate. From the house education and the Workforce Committee this hearing is just over three hours 15 minutes. [background noises] good morning. Committee on Education Workforce will come to order i note a quorum is present without objection the chair is authorized to call a racist at any time. [inaudible] i want the door shut. It is too noisy. Okay. Ernest hemingways novel the sun also rises, two characters are discussing bankruptcy. How did you go bankrupt asked bill . Two ways michael responds gradually then suddenly. Note three words better apply to the decline of post secondary iy education that has transpired gradually then suddenly to