morning joe starts right now. all of a sudden, i aced the cognitive test doesn t knee what s going on. do you plan to use pac money to pay some of the penalties in the new york defamation and fraud cases? i don t understand. what? are you thinking of potentially trying to use campaign money to pay some of those penalties that you might incur what penalties? in the new york fraud case, the defamation case. i didn t do anything wrong. i mean, that s been proven as far as i m concerned. yeah, but as far as the court is concerned, you did do something wrong and it ll cost you around $83 million. i see what he s doing, though. i know exactly what he is up to. he s like the mob boss who pretended to be crazy by wandering around the town in a bathrobe. he is vinny the chin, is who he is. good morning. welcome to morning joe. it is i m sorry. are we not coming in? q s is the best music guy anywhere, right? by far. i know where you re going. what s toda
[cheers and applause] greg: yes! yes! yes, indeed! ha ha ha ha! happy monday, everybody. so imagine you have a big guard dog to keep an eye on your home and you depend on the dog to keep your family safe in a tough neighborhood. now imagine the dog disappears for four days. would you notice? if the answer is yes, then you re normal. if the answer is no, you re joe biden. [laughter] greg: because how the hell did he not know his secretary of defense was missing for four full days. it s not like he s hunter on a crack binge only shoaling up to ask for more cash for meth and antibiotics. this is the secretary of defense. in case you missed it and the white house hopes the world did lloyd austin was admitted to a hospital. we wish him a speedy recovery for whatever it is. knowing the military now, i hope he s not pregnant. but the fact that we don t know what the problem is, that s the problem. shouldn t the american people be told when our top defense officials in the icu
end up like this, the richest man in the world. what a loser! greg: yeah kat: also like this guy who s super into space does psychodelic drugs? like, whoa, i just the only worse thing you can do is to do illegal drugs is to do legal drugs with somebody who will tell the wall street journal about it. no offense to the wall street journal but offense to, who did they talk to? that person did drugs. why were you at that party? greg: i think it s jealousy. they weren t invited to the party where they were doing psychodelic drugs, purely for therapeutic purposes i might add. just being approved in clinical trials for vet wraps with ptsd. thought i would throw that in there tyler. if you re going to go after billionaires that are using drugs, jeff bezos, have you seen his biceps? have you seen his pecs? it s kind of obvious who s doing the drugs. tyler: yeah and he laughs like every stoner, ha ha ha ha.
about the on the business activities that you described the president taking offense to, nordstrom has said it was not a political decision it was a business division, ivanka trump said she has divorced herself from the business. i think she s targeted. there s clearly efforts to under mi undermine that name based on her father s issues on particular policies, this is a direct attack on his policies and her name, so there s clearly an attempt for him to stand up for her because she s being maligned because they have a problem with his policies. to clarify that, the timing of that tweet looked right after his i ve heard the conjecture, he was free when that happened. thank you for asking.