About Town The Gainesville Sun
Editor s note: The Guardian no longer accepts fliers as information for events that appear under About Town.
The information must be typed out and sent via email.
Please include the following: type/name of event, date, time, location, speakers, theme and cost, if any, and who to contact for more information.
Send via email to guardian@gainesville.com (The new email address now in effect to send announcements/information and to request coverage). The deadline is noon Fridays for publication the following Thursday.
For more information, call 352-337-0376.
Mobile clinic
The University of Florida s College of Medicine s Mobile Outreach Clinic will provide services indefinitely from 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. every Thursday at GTEC, 2153 Hawthorne Road.
About Town The Gainesville Sun
Editor s note: The Guardian no longer accepts fliers as information for events that appear under About Town.
The information must be typed out and sent via email.
Please include the following: type/name of event, date, time, location, speakers, theme and cost, if any, and who to contact for more information.
Send via email to guardian@gainesville.com (The new email address now in effect to send announcements/information and to request coverage). The deadline is noon Fridays for publication the following Thursday.
For more information, call 352-337-0376.
The Eastside High School football team will travel to Alachua to play Santa Fe High School in a spring football game.
Inclusivity is on the mind of Gainesville businesses this week, as the chamber of commerce launches a new initiative to advance equitable economic development and a large Gainesville-based employer announces new health care coverage aimed at helping couples of any orientation start families and provide care for gender affirmation.
Here’s a look at this week’s business news:
Chamber launches Inclusive Gainesville initiative
The Greater Gainesville Chamber of Commerce last week launched Inclusive Gainesville, a community-wide approach to equitable economic development and inclusion.
The initiative will focus on two core areas workforce development and supplier diversity.
Local partners launching Inclusive Gainesville are Charles Perry Partners Inc., Infotech, the InterMed Group, North Florida Regional Medical Center, Oelrich Construction, Ology Bioservices and Porter Brown Associates.