dump them in another state, so-called sanctuary cities so that they can figure it out. what i just described is exactly the strategy of some republicans governors on the far right of this divide, governors like you see on the screen, governor greg abbott of texas and ron desantis of florida. the latter declaring quote, every community in america should be sharing in the burdens. it shouldn t fall on a handful of red states. the real question is, for many americans out there, do you think desantis is right? we re going to hash that out in moment here. buz was it right for he and abbott to do the following? texas governor sent two buses of asylum seekers to the home of vice president kamala harris. it happened today. and then drove away, left them there. they apparently had no idea
Ati simțit vreodată că sunteți prea emoționali sau că lucrurile pe care le credeți adevărate sunt doar închipuiri în mintea dumneavoastră? Cunoașteți pe cineva care vă face să vă simțiți neliniștiți.
Bob Dylan a fost acuzat la finele săptămânii trecute de abuz sexual asupra unei fete de 12 ani, fapta petrecându-se în 1965, scrie Daily Star. Acuzatoarea, J.C., are acum 68 de ani
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a 56 year old and a 34 year old carried out the attacks at a campsite near the town of death and western germany police and social services are being criticized for failing to intervene sooner. this is the campsite with a man identified only as under the raped in the buz more than 40 young girls for 20 years it was only in october last year that one of the girls mothers reported the crimes to the police 2 months later the 56 year old child molester was arrested. in a relatively short space of time through questioning and analysis we discovered there had been a huge number of children who had been abused we also uncovered evidence of child pornography some of which had been made by the perpetrator. under v. and his codefendant have been found guilty of hundreds of instances of grave sexual