weaknesses rarely makes them go away. is the entire party haunted by failure in regards to the war in afghanistan? well, i would say that with the iraq war i mean, you look at the iraq war, which was i was proud to serve, but it was an unnecessary war. we lost over 4,000 troops. we spent over $3 trillion in the iraq war. and afghanistan, we took our eye off the ball for so long. it wasn t until barack obama that became commander in chief where you triple the amount of forces, we smoked out bin laden, we finally brought him to justice, and now we re bringing our troops home. you open up your program, before this segment talking about the transition today in kabul, which is very important. the reason why, craig, that mitt romney doesn t want to talk about our veterans is buz he s been no friend. his record, he has not been a friend to veterans. you probably don t know this, but he cut veterans programs when he was governor of massachusetts 11%.
that s how we cast our votes, and i would never presume to speak for all of them. and i think it s pretty difficult. you can look at educational aat the same time attainment, but it s difficult to look at the young white vote. up next what president obama needs to do to regain white voters, and he seems to be losing in the polls. whyñi michigan has a lot of buz this week. more than any other battleground buzz. don t go away. [ male announcer ] if you think any battery will do, consider this.
show up and that s good for romney. if it s the old-styl sort of the activists that show up, i think santorum enough momentum,ith a little bit of a wild card here in rick perry, but then santorum does get out of here with some momentum. an i think that that s what we don t know. let me stick with santorum with you, chuck. if you look insid the numbers of the poll, the last couple of days, when they were in the field, talking to folks, this is what you see thatsantorum is actlly 21% because in those last twoays his numbers actually shoot up 6%, so if you re measuring intensity, not ooking at the full range of the poll, but just the last couple of days, you see santorum s really got that buz and thatas the big thing out of the nbcarist poll. both polls almost fit together and it was sanrum and ron paul for instance that had much more intensity than mit romney. in fact, rick perry had more intense support in o poll that mitt rmney did. and that s the romney problem. he s got the, well