Ewan McGregor Shows Off His Bulky New Build In Obi-Wan Kenobi Training Photo
Star Wars franchise when he was nominated for Best Supporting actor thanks to his iconic turn in
A New Hope, but he certainly didn’t have to hit the gym in order to play
Ewan McGregor is reprising the role for the first time since
Revenge of the Sith, and even though the Scotsman turns 50 this year and is portraying Obi-Wan during his self-imposed exile in the gap between
Episodes III and
IV, he’s still putting in the work to get into shape for the upcoming Disney Plus exclusive.
Liam Neeson Reportedly Returning For Obi-Wan Kenobi Series
At Disney’s Investor Day in December, the studio finally announced that another iconic character from the prequels would be back alongside Ewan McGregor in Disney Plus’
Obi-Wan Kenobi series. Surprisingly, though, it wasn’t the one we were all expecting. Yes, Hayden Christensen has been confirmed to return as Anakin Skywalker, despite fans being sure that Liam Neeson was due for a return as Qui-Gon Jinn.
Since then, however, Neeson has revealed that he would be up for donning the Jedi’s robes again for the project and this has renewed speculation that he could secretly be involved. Sure enough, Small Screen is now reporting that this is indeed the case, confirming We Got This Covered’s own scoop from last year, when we told you he was in talks to return. The outlet claims that the actor has already signed up to reprise Obi-Wan’s Master and their source even outlined the two ways in which Qui-Gonn could feas