now, this is breakfast. nearly 19 hours into our ten-hour trip in the night express to bagan lurches and bounces onward over old and poorly maintained track. fly back to new york for breakfast. i had time. what s yours? arrowroot. potato. how do you make good look at this, a bouquet of fish. indeed. this is the plain of bagan. out the window, the modern world seems to fade away, then disappear all together, like the last century never happened, or even the century before that. we re traveling across the largest mainland nation in southeast asia.
1,000? 1,000. done. now, this is breakfast. fearly 19 hours into our ten-hour trip in the night express to bagan lurches and bounces onward over old and poorly maintained track. fly back to new york for breakfast. i haven t had time. what s yours? arrowroot. potato. how do you make good look at this, a bouquet of fish. indeed. this is the plain of bagan. out the window, the modern world seems to fade away, then disappear all together, like the
bagan, here we come. a thousand years ago bagan was the capital for a long line of kings. it s the sort of place where the old coexists with the even older. as elsewhere in this part of the world. in many of the buddhist temples here more spirit-based beliefs coexist with buddhism. and in myanmar, worship of the gnats are wore shipped, they re gods, obvious with human failings. dance performances pay homage to
them. bagan is a temple complex that s impressive, and very few people have seen it. it s an incredibly beautiful country. what i found remarkable about myanmar, aside from its beauty, which is just spectacular, i ve been to a lot of places 20 years after the soviets left, 30 years, and people still shy away from the camera. they still don t want to talk to you. they see a camera, it means it s a bad thing. they are they close up at the approach of an outsider. here, myanmar, a place where about a year ago, you re tossed in jail for consorting with foreigners. everybody was incredibly open. oh, yeah, this is the good stuff. what is it? yakotori. they re delightful little bits of chicken.
story when they give you food. and if you don t accept the food, you are in many cultures, whether rural arkansas, or vietnam, you re rejecting the people. coming up on this weekend s show, you travel to myanmar, formerly known as burma. that s a place i was fascinated with in my early reporting. i was back there in 91. it s really opened up in the last couple years. i haven t been there to official myanmar. what s it like? there s that sense that i m sure you felt, even more intensely that, wow, i m seeing some really incredibly beautiful things, and nobody else has seen them. bagan is a temple complex that s impressi impressive, and very few people have seen it. it s an incredibly beautiful country. what i found remarkable about