chances are, you haven t been to this place. chances are, this is a place you ve never seen. other than maybe blurry cellphone videos, old black-and-white newsreels from world war ii. chances are, bad things were happening in the footage you saw. myanmar. after 50 years of nightmare, something unexpected is happening here, and it s pretty incredible. in yangon, capital city of myanmar, it s dark. blackouts are frequent with the ancient power grid. what sources of light there are in the street cast an eerie, yellow-orange hue. for almost 100 years under british rule, this was rangoon. in 1948, after helping the british fight off the japanese, and with a new taste for self-determination, the country gained independence. after a decade of instability, however, the military consolidated power and never let go. elections, they came and went. the results ignored, opposition punished or silenced entirely. burma, now myanmar, where orwell had once served as a colonial policeman
the window at a rural village - or at the streets of yangon, what s happening is probably pretty similar. a tableau of dancing, body painting, car-mounted speakers blasting. but it s also three days of merit accruing, the practice of performing charitable or otherwise good works in the hopes of jacking up your karma. money trees are paraded around, pinned with cash donations for months. free banquets and feasts are held. and many moments of spiritual reflection. the majority of people here practice tera vata buddhism, the oldest, most conservative form of the religion, which, simply put, asserts that existence is pretty much a continuous cycle of suffering through birth, death and rebirth.
to human, you know, beliefs and adoration and worshiping and anthony: slave labor. philippe: and slave labor. anthony: i m thinking, you build this many temples, thousands of them, in a relatively short period of time? you know, chances are somebody was working for less than minimum wage, let s put it that way. philippe: for sure. ah, we could fly here. look at that. whew. anthony: a millennia ago, in a period of just under 250 years, over 4,000 structures like this were built here. they say that a king began this project after a conversion to theravada-style buddhism. they started a new temple, like, every 14 days. over 3,000 pagodas, temples, and monasteries remain today.
pinned with cash donations for monks free banquets and feasts are held. many moments of spiritual reflection. the majority of people here practice tera vata buddhism, the oldest most conservative form of the religion which, simply put, asserts that existence is pretty much a continuous cycle of suffering through birth, death and rebirth. very noisy. very noisy, yes. the morningstar teahouse where i ve come for several couple of reasons, the must-have bone deep, la pet tuk. the salad of fermented leaves, i
bagan, here we come. a thousand years ago bagan was the capital for a long line of kings. it s the sort of place where the old coexists with the even older. as elsewhere in this part of the world. in many of the buddhist temples here more spirit-based beliefs coexist with buddhism. and in myanmar, worship of the nats is widespread. nats as i understand it are like gods, demigods.