destination but there are still some there living in hiding. translator: my life now, i live like a prisoner. please help us and don t forget us. reporter: and with the women s court now shuttered, ameni fears from those she once protected. reporter: who will defend now? no one. reporter: there s no one? little hope for the women and girls of afghanistan. some of the world s richest people are trying to stake their claim in green land. coming up, how their unusual treasure hunt could yield some of the material needed to take on the climate crisis. stay with us. inol that s also gentle on skin. for wrinkle results in one week. neutrogena®.
Joi, 30 Septembrie 2021 - Apostolii se aflau pe mare si, dupa ce toata noaptea nu au prins niciun peste in mreje, vine Iisus si le spune sa arunce mrejele din nou. Apostolii fac intocmai si prind peste mult, iar Petru, vazand una ca asta, merge la Iisus si-I spune: Doamne, eu sunt om pacatos, pleaca de la mine!. M-am gandit tot timpul: Cat de zapacit sa fii sa intre Bogatia si Bunatatea in casa ta si tu sa-i spui sa plece?.
Joi, 30 Septembrie 2021 - La sfarsitul saptamanii trecute, activitatea culturala din municipiul Falticeni a fost una efervescenta gratie proiectului Falticeni, mon amour derulat de Clubul Rotary Falticeni in parteneriat cu Primaria Falticeni.