They blocked, sat down. There were limited confrontations. Nothing terribly violent, a little pushing. But mainly, they came out, had their way, and shut down 680 north bound, and probably as a precaution in case they came over the barrier. Police began to get masks out here. Fired flash bangs, tear gas fired as well. People back up the onramp they had come down. They wasnt back up there, and some people proceeded to go southbound, walking along the side in the northbound lanes. I mentioned a vehicles windows smashed. One vehicle we saw, a suv, had a window smashed by a protestor. I did not see anybody arrested for that. I did see smoke out here. Tear gas and the four or five flash bangs to get the pro protesto protestors attention. Let them know that the chp, and waln Walnut Police and others meant business. Looks like they able to reopen 680 any minute now. Yothank you, this is not the only unrest we have seen. This is the largest one we have seen today. Thousands gathering in Oaklan
Get started with xfinity internet and mobile for just 30 a month each, and save up to 400 a year on your wireless bill. Call or visit xfinity. Com savebig. Just minutes before the curfew took effect. Tear gas being fired at a large group near city hall. Not clear why officers deployed it. We saw people running and a heavy Police Presence through the street. Officers close 234 and surround and group off people after the curfew hadct oseho violatet can be cited orng and tear gas this was being used. I think that i have to go get the situate. We saw things being thrown by protestors. Nothing like friday night. Earlier this afternoon, thousands marched from Oakland High School towards city hall. Student organizers called it the george floyd march. And stressed the event was a peaceful protest of Law Enforcement in america. This was a giant crowd. Filling broad way and marching 40 blocks downtown. The event drew hundreds of onlookers. A nice moment marchers. Members of the church showed sup
Im still here. And i tested very positively in another sense. So this morning, yeah, i tested positively for negative, right . So no, i tested perfectly this morning. Meaning meaning i tested negative. Jimmy even his negatives are positive. Isnt that something . Its pretty clear whats going on here, right . He blurted out he was taking it just to trigger the news media. Successfully, by the way. Even though theres no way in hell hes taking this stuff. Do you think any white house doctor, even a trump doctors going to give the president a pill that could stop his heard just because he asked for it . Of course not. What if he asked for mushrooms . Will he give him those . None of this adds up. Trump said hes going off hydroxy in two days when his regimen runs out. Which thats not how that drug is taken. Its not an antibiotic. Theres no regimen. Its taken prophylactically. Which means you have to keep taking it. Like condoms are prophylactics. You dont use them for two weeks and then go i
Now its just a matter of getting parents to sign on. I think many parents are afraid to bring their child back to child care facilities until the shelterinplace order is lifted. Also, many parents moved out of the city for this period of time. Child care centers have been able to remain open for families of essential workers or children in vulnerable groups. This new government web portal lists all available centers. As more parents go back to work, at seabird, they said its not their responsibility to check a parents work status. We have availabilities. We would like our existing students to come back as soon as possible, as well as we open to the new students. So seabird told me they actually need about a dozen students to open this friday. So theyre waiting to see if any parents are signing on. That just tells you that different providers have very specific circumstances to deal with before they can open, despite directives that they are allowed to open. Am marks dan . Chris, so if
Mistaken, the foghorn buddy . I will have to check. Foghorn boogie . We do have low clouds in place, 40s and 50s on temperatures, it will be cooler as the fog bank has a pretty good wrapup, inland 70s but the coastal bay getting into the 50s now and off to the 60s. Cell sal is here now. Amazingly it looks like a normal day. People on the road, some people may be avoiding transit and taking a car, that is my educated guess, ridership on the transit is down but, the traffic here looks about normal at the bay bridge which is to say 10 minutes 50 minutes for a delay north and south looking okay, no trouble getting to the airport, highway 4 slow, so is the 680, i noticed that slow traffic along the same corridors for Park Services are available on some of the other areas, we dive into that a little more in just a few months. Now lets go back to the desk. More breaking news, the market had a very tough morning, so much so they actually halted trading out of the gate and is reopened, actually