[dramamatic music]c] - ladies a and gentlememen, amererica s mayoyor, rudy giuliliani. - today,y, i am o officially y announcig my withdrarawal as a candidate e for presidident of t the united d states. - veryry difficultlt night for rudy g giuliani. - we arere going to o make our r country grgreat again. - giuliaiani sees onone thin, opportununity. - trumump is cleararly the bebest choice.e. - - he thoughtht, this wilillt me back inin the spotltlight. - whwhat i did f for new w york, donanald trump will d do for amererica! [cheers s and applauause] - ohoh, my god.. i momoved on herer, actually. you knknow, she wawas downwn in palm b beach. i i moved on h her, and i i fa. i i ll admit i it. - whoaoa. - i i did try anand [bleep] ]. she wawas married.d. - that s s huge newsws there. - sosome breakining news rigigh. dadavid fahrenenthold of the wasashington popost got his hahands on a t tape. - hehello. hohow are you?u? hi. - hihi, mr. trumump. hohow are you?u? - nicece seeing y
therere was seisismic acactivity in n seattle. anchchor: the swswifties danced andnd jumped soso muc. ananchor: the e equivalentntf a a 2.3-magnititude earthqhqu. tayloror swift s i impact on p culturure today isis extraordid. the concncert, fromm my undnderstandingng, genenerated billllions of dodo. vanessa a yurkevich:h: one econt susuggests thahat taylor s sw, through h her us touour, coud add $5 b billion to o us gdp. if cacari champioion: you re e o 8080, you knowow a song off tataylor swiftft s. natete rogers: i in modern pop timemes, you havave yoyour cream-o-of-the-cropop ar. and d taylor swiwift is proboy arguably thehe tip of the top. anchor: : pop star t taylor swis takiking her rececord-breakikins tour t to the big g screen. cari c champion: t there sees to be e not only a a fascinati, but an o obsession w with wht shes sininging, who o she singg to, who heher friends s are, whwhat these s songs mean n to. we have e a dedicateted nfl cacam to taylolor swift in all
therere was seisismic acactivity in n seattle. anchchor: the swswifties danced andnd jumped soso muc. ananchor: the e equivalentntf a a 2.3-magnititude earthqhqu. tayloror swift s i impact on p culturure today isis extraordid. the concncert, fromm my undnderstandingng, genenerated billllions of dodo. vanessa a yurkevich:h: one econt susuggests thahat taylor s sw, through h her us touour, coud add $5 billion to o us gdp. if cacari champioion: you re e o 8080, you knowow a song off tataylor swiftft s. nate rogers: i in modern pop timemes, you havave yoyour cream-o-of-the-cropop ar. and taylor swift is probably arguably the tip of the top. anchor: : pop star t taylor swis takiking her rececord-breakikins tour t to the big g screen. cari c champion: t there sees to be e not only a a fascinati, but an o obsession w with wht shes sininging, who o she singg to, who heher friends s are, whwhat these s songs mean n to. we have e a dedicateted nfl cacam to taylolor swift in all of f th
Christmas s is. Well, its Aboutut The Best E Ofof the wholele year. [tom] nono matter whwhen they e plplace, moderern era or p p, Christstmas Movieses and televen specials a are always s about someone e who has Lolost Theieir faith inin humankind, reregaining itit, saved byy other Pepeople Beingng kind because itits christmtmas. [chrhris] christmas s is the lanandsce that e everybody w wants to p. Eveveryone whoho tells Stots Isis Attracteded to the e Heighteneded Emotionss that it t brings. [aisha] Noststalgia Playays such a a huge partrt in Christss Bebecause it i is part of fo many peoples s childhoodsds. And bebeing able t to go back d relilive those f feelings evever by Watatching Holiliday moviess justst. Joy. [phil]l] a christmtmas story is one of f the best m movies at nostalgia,a, family anand chris. J jingle belllls, jingle e be, jingle a all the Wayay A Christmamas Story , i wawatch it evevery year at leaeast twice. Its. Lik, the e script of f my life. Can we e go now . Caca
[mususic] [c[christmas m music] christmas s is. Well, its Aboutut The Best E Ofof the wholele year. [tom] nono matter whwhen they e plplace, moderern era or p p, Christstmas Movieses and televen specials a are always s about someone e who has Lolost Theieir faith inin humankind, reregaining itit, saved byy other Pepeople Beingng kind because itits christmtmas. [chrhris] christmas s is the lanandsce that e everybody w wants to p. Eveveryone whoho tells Stots Isis Attracteded to the e Heighteneded Emotionss that it t brings. [aisisha] Noststalgia Playas such a a huge partrt in Christss Bebecause it i is part of fo manyny peoples s childhoods. And bebeing able t to go back d relilive those f feelings evever by Watatching Holiliday moviess justst. Joy. [phil]l] a christmtmas story is one of f the best m movies at nostalgia,a, family anand chris. J jingle belllls, jingle e be, jingle a all the Wayay A Christmamas Story , i wawatch it evevery year at leaeast twice. Its. Lik, the e script of