Pivotal meeting between british Prime Minister winston churchill, president franklin roosevelt, and soviet leader joseph stalin. Welcome back to the metal and Paul Hilliard Conference Center here at the higgins hotel. I hope everybody enjoyed their lunch. We spent this morning doing highlevel analysis of the political and strategic situation that existed amongst the allied leaders. As we know, wars are fought on battlefield, not in boardrooms. These summits, though they dictated much of what would happen on the ground, they would not have mattered much if we did not have armies in the field. Our next session will look at how yalta affected the execution of the closing months of world war two. To do this we have asked rob citino. His executive director of the museum of democracy as well as at the world War Ii Museum. He is an awardwinning led terri historian. Military historian. He has published 10 books, primarily on the german army. He has taught for three decades including stints at
I hope everybody enjoyed their lunch. Morning doing highlevel analysis of the political and strategic situation that existed amongst the allied leaders. Fought on, wars are battlefield, not in boardrooms. These summits, though they dictated much of what would happen on the ground, they would not have mattered much if we did not have armies in the field. Our next session will look at affected the execution of the closing months of world war two. Robo this we have asked executive director democracy as of well as at the world War Ii Museum. He is an awardwinning led terri historian. Military historian. He has published 10 books, primarily on the german army. He has taught for three decades including stints at west point, the u. S. Military academy, and the u. S. Army war college. Infirst came to the museum 2012 for our international conference. Then he came in 2013 for our international conference. Then he was one of our featured tour historians at the 70th anniversary of dday crews. Then
The rhetoric of economics, and why liberalism works host Deirdre Mccloskey gun in your moscome in your most re, why liberalism works, you write that the west side of chicago should be a heigh high first commercial at diggity. Guest because then people would have jobs other than dope sellers and can because once it was before the highly segregated history of chicago extended to the west side there were lots of factories and jobs, and now because of regulations of various, its not. Its just a free zone. There are some by the sheer act of will kept th take to the strn good condition. Host use a regulations. Give an example. Guest business in chicago in most places in the united hates its worse than brazil or egypt. It takes months. Its hard to do. Youve got to get permits and a business license to braid hair, a famous case. To earn a living breathing hair you need a state license. Why should people have to jump rough these hoops to start a business . In the 50s and africanamerican and urb
Musical masterminds. The duo behind the neptunes. Pharrell williams and chad hugo talk with us about reaching to the songwriters hall of fame. Producing some of the biggest hits of the past 25 years. Its friday, january 17h, 2020. Todays eye opener, your world in 90 seconds. I should be their best witness. Their number one witness. The impeachment trial gets under way as the president denies new accusations. I dont know him at all. Dont know where he comes from. Know nothing about him. This thing is a big hoax. Powerful winter storm is expected to bury parts of the midwest and east in snow. Peak snow looks to be in the midwest along with strongest winds close to blizzard conditions. Fbi arrested three White Supremacists who were headed to a gun rally in relationship, richmond, virginia. This kind of situation hundreds of people could go down in seconds. U. S. Officials say 11 Service Members were injured when iran attacked a base last week. Beltran out. Astros, red sox, they got world
And government officials and a breakdown atomic power plant in pennsylvania today is probably the worst Nuclear Reactor accident today. There was no apparent serious contamination of workers. And Nuclear Safety group said that radiation inside the plant is it eight times the deadly level, so strong that after passing through a three put thick concrete wall, it can be measured awhile away. We report from harrisburg the accident occurred here at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant a dozen miles south of harrisburg. At about 4 00 this morning two water pumps that helped cool reactor number two shut down. Officials say some 50 to 60,000 gallons of radioactive water escaped into the reactor building and that the radioactivity penetrated the plants walls. Steam escaped into the atmosphere and radiation was detected as far as a mile away. At least 50 workers and perhaps twice that number were at the plant when the accident occurred. A spokesman admitted that some were exposed to radioac