Father Keith Chylinski shares with Inside CatholicPhilly.com his unexpected journey from studying classical piano to his new role as rector of St. Charles Borromeo Seminary.
Two at-risk teens served by Catholic Social Services share with Inside CatholicPhilly.com why bullets are shattering lives and breaking hearts on the city s streets and why most solutions aren t working.
Two at-risk teens served by Catholic Social Services share with Inside CatholicPhilly.com why bullets are shattering lives and breaking hearts on the city s streets and why most solutions aren t working.
The founder of the Person and Identity Project shared with Inside CatholicPhilly.com how the transgender phenomenon looks through the prism of Catholic teaching on human sexuality.
Brendan Zehner, a seminarian at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Wynnewood, shares with Inside CatholicPhilly.com how Christ understands our worst struggles, and our deepest selves.