Father Keith Chylinski shares with Inside CatholicPhilly.com his unexpected journey from studying classical piano to his new role as rector of St. Charles Borromeo Seminary.
Msgr. Kieran Harrington of the Pontifical Mission Societies shares with Inside CatholicPhilly.com his reflections on visiting Ukraine, where he spent time at Bucha, one of several sites of mass civilian killings by Russian forces.
Seminarian Bernard Ekeagwu shares with Inside CatholicPhilly.com how our daily lives reveal whether we seek to follow the Son of God or the world s ways.
Seminarian Philip Cheung shares with Inside CatholicPhilly.com how Christ s encounter with the adulteress reveals his power to heal both the shame-filled and the stiff-necked.
Seminarian Gregory Miller shares with Inside CatholicPhilly.com how the parable of the prodigal son reveals God s boundless love for us, no matter how far from him we have strayed.