TD Bank faces Stanford Ponzi scheme liquidators seeking $4.5-billion in trial Nichola Saminather Bookmark Please log in to listen to this story. Also available in French and Mandarin. Log In Create Free Account
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Chris Wattie/Reuters
Toronto-Dominion Bank should be held liable for more than US$4.5-billion of losses at the collapsed Antigua bank of former Texas financier Robert Allen Stanford, lawyers for its liquidators argued in a Canadian court on Monday.
The joint liquidators of Stanford International Bank (SIB) allege negligence and “knowing assistance” by TD, Canada’s second-biggest lender, in allowing SIB to maintain a correspondent account that Mr. Stanford used to perpetrate fraud, according to opening arguments made in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.
and recommend to our colleagues and find how to hold the president accountable. congressman swalwell, thanks for joining us. my pleasure. we ll turn to the white house where our correspondent hans nichols is gathering reaction to the wildfire set in motion by the president himself with an attempt to intimidate a witness in realtime. there are meetings taking place, between the white house counsel and the deputy press secretary. sib own any left the meeting. my colleague hallie jackson asked him if he thought it was witness intimidation, what the president just did. he didn t answer. let me tell you why these meetings are significant. there s one meeting between he and hogan gidley. right across between mulvaney and grisham. they ve been at odds. you get the sense that this is truly a unified white house strategy that you wouldn t have separate meetings and all these different power nodes, power
she s decrying what she calls a double standard. do you think a male lawmaker in the same situation at the same time would have had to resign here? absolutely. that s why this is something that her cries of a double standard are a little strained because certainly a male staffer who is having an affair with a female sib bored nat would not be afforded the same sympathy she s been afforded. it is worth noting that nobody has come forward here to allege any kind of abuse or coercion or harassment, and if it weren t for these pictures that were leaked, likely nobody would have ever known about this, which is kind of the interesting wrinkle here and what makes it different from some of the other sexual harassment cases we ve been talked about. congressman matt gates gave this quote. he said he thinks it s a generational issue. a lot of baby boomers don t
the federal reserve is seeming like a boot leg version of monopoly and the president insists on being the car and you don t trust him to be the banker or real estate broker, you might be on to something. my new game is trump, the game trump. where you deal for everything you ever wanted to own. it s not whether you win or lose, it s whether you win. yes! yes! losers! i know i already played that but only losers play it once. who among us doesn t recall rainy afternoons spent with your sib blinlings playing trump the? when you won, you scream at your dad, you re a loser, you too, mom. in terms of who the president allegedly does or doesn t know, he couldn t even keep is straight in the quaint old days when he was pretending to be his