out towards the areas you will cause a similar problem where you have to create security of some degree and the best is the airport force. there s the fidel capacity for expanded mission. we hear a clear message from the white house, 17 planes, 6,000 people move d out and this suddn shuddering that appears to because they ran out of space where they were sending them. there s other options have opened up. this may be a continual process. what we haven t gotten to the bottom of two, three days in this crisis management by there administration is how long a task this could be. joe biden talked about sib, the special programs extending that where ngos and those who worked intently with the u.s. might be taken out as well. so many on the airport because they managed to scramble through the fence.
destinations. secretary established the crisi action group in early july in w have been working closely with the department of state as lead agency since that time. we have partnered with the department of homeland security our initial focus was to relocate the sib s finalize their visas, and resettle them into the united states with the help of our nongovernmental organizations. to date, nearly to thousand afghans have passed through thi process joining more than 70,00 that have participated in the program since 2005. our military has done an outstanding job supporting this effort. u.s. north, and u.s. army north operating predominately from fort lee, virginia have provide housing, food, medical treatment , medical screening, and other services to these afghans. our military embraced the opportunity to recognize the contributions to combined operations in afghanistan by welcoming them into the u.s.
the coordination, with those that were responsible for securing that, we will look at our mission now as i talked earlier is now that the airfiel is open, is to make sure that i remains open so as i said, we can continue expediting flights in and out found. a quick fall of kabul, was that the failure of the intelligence? i can t answer that. you are in charge of the sib there are women who fought for the special forces, there are reports that the taliban are no knocking on doors going into th homes of those who served the military, what are you doing to protect them in get them out. are you in touch with the delavan or do you have assurances that they will be safe? gig we recognize beyond the sib this efficient egg skins in the are included in the group of people in time as we get throug the americans in the immediate priority, that we have plans in place to support transporting
limb? look, you just see a lot of hatred from anthony fauci and liberals in the media who just use any weapon they possibly can to go after trump supporters. they don t know really who-what the political affiliations are of the people who are vac sib nateed or not vaccinated. they use polls which notorious for under counting republicans because republican voters don t trust polsters. and so, they use those polls then to go after republican voters and then they look at the are number completely illogical. the blue states were hit the hardest. of course you are going to have people there who are the most scared who perceive the highest risk who will go and get vaccinated you see the demographics of the you do know