chain under a socialist. ainsley: look at socialism 51% say it s a bad thing. 43% say it s a good thing. 6% don t each have an opinion. that s scary. > steve: where does that come from? i don t know where that comes from. i think it s wishful thinking. i think it s berniey buying votes. 21st century economic bill of rights. you have the right to a job and a living wage. the right to an affordable home. of the right to a complete education. steve: there are a lot of people who like his message. a right to quality healthcare. load of goods is berniey would confer upon society. we all wants these things. wait a minute, the problem is you want all of those things, you won t get them from socialism. you will get them from capitalism. it is a capitalist society live you livable wage. brian: he can t do it if i could have done it he would have delivered it from vermont and he didn t. tried healthcare and it failed. brian: 9 to noon fbn.
investigators and fbi agents somehow just missed it. steve: i just inventinged the word. i combined co-collusion with russia to come up with collusia. brian: which is a very good vacation spot. ainsley: next to fallujah. brian: not quite as nice. full cooperation. my sense is men and women in the field offices and more of the guys that used to run things like john brennan and james clapper. those are the ones with all the answers and most of the questions. steve: right. brian: one thing mr. ratcliff was taking. devin nunes of the intelligence committee. two fbi agents there what amazed him was that a lot of people didn t pay attention. two retired fbi agents at the witness table who had no problem with the way peter strzok and lisa page acted. they acted like they were just serving their country.
i learned something about myself. you are listen to the beatles or you listen to your favorite band elo. [laughter] like he just keeps singing with the same drummer in the background and he makes so much money. ainsley: is he doing pretty well. steve: all right. welcome to another fox & friends live. we have folks from all across the country. [cheers and applause] in the second row we have a fellow by the name of kevin cooper from dublin, ohio. stand up, kevin, you are our announcer this hour. who is coming up? we have funny man michael loftus. [cheers and applause] diamond and silk. [cheers and applause] and our very own sean hannity. [cheers and applause] ainsley: wow. did you memorize this? brian: that s incredible. steve: kevin is a web developer, right? yeah. steve: a small businessman. yes. steve: are you enjoying the show so far one hour and one minute in. i can t believe it s only been one hour.
steve: yeah. so, anyway. so george stephanopoulos posed that hypothetical question, mollie hemingway had this real life answer. george stephanopoulos good friend hillary clinton took information from a foreign government. if it is a huge problem to take information from a foreign government, he should be asking her and democrats, you know, democratic national committee secretly bought and paid for this dossier that by their own accounting forced government officials in russia. if this is a huge problem and many people for years have been telling us it is. why aren t the media doing doing more to find out why this. how they created hoax conspiracy theory. i would like to see some people ask some tough questions of those people. brian: that s all true we will see what happens. we will clarify it tomorrow. the president of the united states, he takes on the media, he challenges the media, he will say come on, i will answer all your questions every day on the lawn. people are upset abou
to become irrelevant. did he help our hurt himself. he didn t hurt himself. he defined what he is all about. essentially, he wants to make us like them. he wants to make america like europe. that s his plan. god help us that s what happens. brian: europe doesn t want to be like europe. europe is fail, frankly. look, socialist europe has high taxes, high unemployment. higher prices for everything. they have got maximum regulation and no innovation. the whole continent is like a vast museum. where was the last time you bought a european iphone or a google. brian: a french flashlight. apple or facebook or uber or air b and b? all th innovation takes place from capitalist america not from socialismist europe. that s the problem that he hatheyhave got. no incentive to innovate and work and climb the food