chain under a socialist. ainsley: look at socialism 51% say it s a bad thing. 43% say it s a good thing. 6% don t each have an opinion. that s scary. > steve: where does that come from? i don t know where that comes from. i think it s wishful thinking. i think it s berniey buying votes. 21st century economic bill of rights. you have the right to a job and a living wage. the right to an affordable home. of the right to a complete education. steve: there are a lot of people who like his message. a right to quality healthcare. load of goods is berniey would confer upon society. we all wants these things. wait a minute, the problem is you want all of those things, you won t get them from socialism. you will get them from capitalism. it is a capitalist society live you livable wage. brian: he can t do it if i could have done it he would have delivered it from vermont and he didn t. tried healthcare and it failed. brian: 9 to noon fbn.
only 60% of our workforce. workforce beginning to grow people sitting out saying i can t find the job this might be the opportunity. i can t rationalize this anymore. people with disabilities are coming back into the job market and finding work. people with criminal background are coming back into the labor force and being accepted. that s the result of a full employed economy. that s why costco is raising wages. that s why all kinds of groups of people who have been not exactly marginalized but not been in the labor force to the same degree they are coming back. in. brian: have you thought about doing your show today on fox bills 9 to noon? i have given it a lot of thought. brian: and? i m going to do. brian: 9 to noon fbn. can t resist. steve: jobs numbers live at 8:30. ainsley: teacher under fire after asking a student to wash ashes off his head on ash wednesday. her response. steve: my goodness.
stuart varney we have to watch you from nine to noon fbn chop wood at the wood it shall over the weekend, right? i am indeed this weekend that s correct. inside joke? no i have a tree farm and i chop a lot of wood. [laughter] wonderful. like the walton family thank you very much. congressman steve scalise won a unanimous vote to remain house minority whip. he joins us live next hour. plus, black friday is is one week away but we have got hol had day shopping deal for you now like 50% off a news 80% off a new mattress ryan. yes that s coming up next. go jump on it.
pete: does it back certain industries and jobs. interesting point, peter. this morning, peter navarro, one of the touch trade negotiators he has a op-ed piece in u.s.a. today. is he defending these tariffs. he says this is part of president trump s plan to rebuild industrial america. it gives several examples of how that s going. brian: varney and company 9 to noon fbn. the trump team is fighting with each other. they have to get on the same page. you always have to get the last word on trade. good luck. brian bine to america and the people of earth. thank you very much, stuart. comedian samantha bee apologizing for her vulgar remark about ivanka trump. mark levin says it s not enough. the great one next. pete: he will weigh in on the president s pardon of dinesh d souza. he joins us live for his first tv interview since getting that pardon. what might seem like a small cough to you.
warren. ainsley: say i don t need a salary. he was rather more pro-government than mick mulvaney. steve: stuart, you joins us a couple days ago and said you know what? go ahead and close the government down. it looks like we are on the verge of that now. yes, i have knocks whatsoever. the national interest is you fix immigration and you fix military spending. and the only way to do that. this is my opinion. bang heads together. put real pressure on them. you get a deal. come on, get a deal. do your job, for heaven s sake. brian: doing the job is to not shut the government down. that says failure. yeah. okay it says failure. so now get out of here and make sure you come back with a deal. get on with it. brian: i feel like stuart is raising me. i just got represent prix maned. straight ahead. see you 9 to noon fbn. ainsley: children say they are ditching their dreams of becoming pro-athletes for a job kneeling fbi players might not like.