endorsed the big lie that donald trump should somehow still be president. again, that s a lie. so let s get right to it. you know who i m talking about, steve kornacki back at the big board. where do things stand right now? the biggest story of the night this one, kansas. constitutional amendment that would say the constitution in the statet of kansas does not provide for the right to abortion goes down tofo defeat, goes down to defeat, overwhelmingly. this is a tremendous surprise what happened here. a lot of people did not see the fact of no winning coming nor the magnitude of it. ite will be significant politil repercussions from this result. also the potential here just in terms of you see where the no vote, a lot of energy in the suburbs ofin kansas city. democrats have been saying, hey, that s the area that those are the kinds of voters who will turn out in november, too, for f democrats. we ll see if that happens. this is the biggest headline of the hour certainly. a
wisdom repeated endlessly on the airwaves wasrw that trump era republicans kind of risk losing hispanic voters for ever and even having this conversation sends a powerful signal. they re doingsi high fives in te clinton campaign right now when they hear this , the things he is saying that is turning off are turning off large blocs of voters, hispanic voters, nobodyof in republican party knows what donald trump s immigration policies other than that it s hard line which turns off hispanic voters. hispanics have been trendingtyty republican for years. what hasas turned them around hs been this hard line immigration. now indeed, democrats thought they had the latino vote in the bag forever. just throw them a few cliches about how we re a nation of immigrants and then humor them with meaningless gestures or as it s now called, hispan during papademos a total sloganeer, kenyas say pentagon infamous infamous summer hurricane sandy amando galloper solok on the stepto denise medici
. that s the focus of tonight s angle. now the next time you hear democrats claim that republicans or pro second amendment types don t care about children or their safety, i want you too do one thing. i want you to laugh in their t faces because they re the oneshe who don t care about the kids. their policies helped create the fertile ground from which some of the most the nation s most violent figures have emerged. now, of course, they ignore any of the cultural and societalsi issues simmering beneathmm the surface and instead accuse conservatives of refusing to compromise on guns. ofwell, very quickly, maybe more folks would be willing too compromise on guns if democrats themselves hadn t told us what their real goal really isll to the position may not be politically popular. maybe to want not only should no longer be able to purchase america, i don t thinkdo the people who have them right now civilian use should be able to we need a moratorium perhaps . gun sales wewe
a great president. i don t about polls, but i dow know about winning the races one district at a time and utterly delusional. nancy pelosi says everything is awesome and joe biden s america and the democrats deserve to be rewarded in the midtermrm. meanwhile, back in the real world, the president is setting records again for all the wrong reasons. biden s approval hitting a record low in a new ap poll just 39% of the country thinks s he s doing a good job d. but record inflation is crushing americans wallets and surging gas prices, setting a record for 11 days in a row and are now projected to go up to six dollars this summer. w but the biden administration does want to talk about it. do you believe that gas prices are too high? completely understand the crunch that so many americans are under rightan now think that they re that americans are still recovering from this terrible pandemic and there are a lot of other world t events that areng making things difficult fors all
Oh, the Violent Revolutionnalist continues. Journalists catch a beat dows hn the crossexam. Boy, her responses were disastrous he. Some of what she said might generate a little sympathy for trump. Were only halfway throughe sain crossexamination. It could get worse. Js on stormist could parade like what game nowthe ma are you talking . I thought the masters was finished. Pretty sure the supes was r bowl. And i watched that already too. Kind of girl. Not just go for dinner not j wi a game. Women and sportand spors. There it is. L like, what are you talking about . Does iik talkingt ever end . Plus one. Oh, the mass riders are out for blood. They started off hijacking buildings, Yelling Slurs and threatening violence. And now theyre attacking reporters, Slugging Cops and stockpiling weapons. Stons. Over 2005 hundred protests have been arrested since the College Takeovers kicked off. Thats twice as many people arrested foicr keepi january sixth. For those of you keeping score at home, loc