job along with our great, panel great, great american later, more explosivere e xpwhistleblower testimony about how our doj has been weaponizes . also, aoc is having a little bit of trouble. she might be in legal trouble.ln we ll explain straight ahead. and it may even shock you and defend her. oh, no. y i m going to do yet. stay tuned. w whatall right. but first, joe biden, well, hede is continuing. suspen keep us all in suspensea and waiting. take look at mr. before you announce his election, sir, when i don t think he knows it s friday. now, the 80 year old sittingi president just won t sayo ru whether he plans to run for a second term, although his wife, jill , said it for him.t that does not exactly inspiree any confidence in me. but if he ultimately does decide to run, it looks like it ll be back to the basement bunker for joey, who is reportedly now enlisting prominen t democrats to travel and speak on his behalf. because he s likely notkely n capabl
percent of americans give him a decent grade on the economy. the question is , will he run and is he qualified to doane another term? i don t believrterm be is i dont think any of us believe he is , including the democrats. e he is but they re in a reat tricky position because if notid joe , they have pigeonholed themselves with this diversity index into having to choosesn t kamala harris. and she doesn t have the excusei of dementia a and her age.s no e she has no excuse other than she just does a really poor job. at her job.ou can you explain why she giggles at all moe inappropriate moments? me well, as you saw, joe justo did that, too. apparently, there bs something in the water that they ve both been drinking, though they haven tn drin had the timeo to palestine by the point people are actually drinking toxie c water or maybe evenbreei breathing toxic fumes. but this is whatngtoxic fu the s don t want.o go one they don t want to have to elevate komla. ey they will go with th