Broome County is saying goodbye to its mass vaccination site at SUNY Broome.
Kathy Whyte/WNBF News
County Executive Jason Garnar says the final second doses of vaccine will be administered by the end of the day June 9 and the site at the BCC Ice Center will close. The Democrat says after the last dose is given, Broome Emergency Services and Health Department officials will be packing up the syringes, vials, tables, curtain partitions and any other signs of the operations that began at the ice rink at the campus in the Town of Dickinson in January. He says by Friday, no one will know there was ever a vaccination site at the rink.
HUNTINGTON An annual and a special Town Meeting will be held Monday. The fiscal year 2022 operational budget and whether to reduce the number of legal posting places from six to five will be among the articles voters will tackle.The Performing Arts.