On June 18, the world was devastated by the tragic news that the submersible called 'Titan,' carrying a pilot and four crew members, had lost all communication with its mother ship while attempting to explore the chilling depths of the North Atlantic Ocean where the RMS Titanic had sunk 111 years ago. By June 22nd, the extensive search and rescue mission comprising multiple agencies, commercial vessels, and diverse equipment from different countries obtained crucial information indicating an implosion around the
The work will explore upgrades to Hastings Street from Boundary Street all the way to Duthie Avenue, where Hastings Street transitions into Burnaby Mountain Parkway.
Hastings Street is part of the region’s Major Roads Network and Frequent Transit Network, and a designated route for trucks and goods movement. It is a major regional arterial route, linking downtown Vancouver to Simon Fraser University’s campus atop Burnaby Mountain, and communities along the way.
It is one of the region’s busiest bus transit corridors; the 95 B-Line (now known as the R5 RapidBus) on Hastings Street was the ninth busiest bus route in 2019, with 7.5 million annual boardings and average weekday boardings reaching over 24,000 passengers. Over one-third of the people traveling on the corridor move by the buses, which represent less than 1% of the vehicle traffic.