it s also been a nonpresidential year, obviously. despite all of those factors, voter turnout was up. democrats were hopeful that that would lead to a win for them, and it just did tonight. and for ed gillespie, i would imagine it is a much far less a sour and somber scene over at his headquarters tonight. he really came so close, did far better than most people expected him to do.o he has really tried to tie himself to president trump s agenda. he campaigned hard on immigration, on crime. he hit his opponent very hard, and in the final days of this campaign, northam hit back a bit. there was that ad that we ve been talking about so much,, which wasn t produced by the northam campaign. but it was produced by a latino group outside the campaign, which showed a man in a pickup truck with a gillespie bumper sticker on the back, chasing down minority children. that has led to one of the most
points in one direction. there is no doubt about it. the data looks identical to me as it did four years ago when it looked like mccull off was going to win, traps cuccinelli was creeping up but it looked like mccullough was going to win. the data says the thing and everybody in our business doesn t believe it. why? for a couple of reasons. first is that it s pretty clear as you noted in interviewing ralph northam, the northam campaign simply hasn t fought back at least the way in modern times you have to fight back. you have to fight fire with fire. gillespie has had some of the toughest some would say nastiest ads i have seen in a long time. you have known ed gillespie for a long time, did you ever think he was a social issues person? i certainly didn t. i never saw him as a social issues crusader. but that s what he s focused on. confederate you stas, crime, immigration, things like that.
what are yo what you are o prison, buddy. how do you like that? you kidnapped somebody. he faces kidnapping and grand theft auto charges. democratic candidate this shocking ad was meant to support denies he approved it there may be evidence ralph northam s campaign was involved. the ad shows an he had gillespie supporting chases down minority kids. finance reports show that northam campaign received inkind donation from media puremses from the latino victory fund, the group behind the ad to. qualify as in kind donation, the candidate or campaign must request or suggest it. and parents of high schoolers in one community, they re outraged this morning over a controversial