things mr. north listed, teenagers are doped up on ritalin, he blames television and movies. there may be some validity in each of the things he says. but the one thing he s not pointing the finger at at all is access to guns. let us be clear. right now in this country, we have 300 million guns floating around, including an estimated 5 million semiautomatic weapons, and we have a lot of people who are dealing with mental crises today. last year, we lost over 40,000 people to suicides. and people are in many cases in desperate shape. what we need to do, and this is where, anderson, the good news is, the american people, gun owners, nongun owners, are united in saying we need common
americans, gun owners, nongun owners, want to see real action. i want to ask you about what s going on with this confidential source. is this anything other than a diversionary tactic to weaken the investigation by the president and his allies? that s what i believe it is. you know, the american people believe, whether you re republicans, democrats, independent, that it should be our voters, the people that determine the outcome of elections, not russians, not people from any other country. and what mueller is trying to do is and this is a guy that was widely supported by democrats and republicans when he was fbi director, a man widely respected. so instead of cooperating with this investigation to allow it to run its course, what trump is trying to do is deflect attention from the investigation
and people are in many cases in desperate shape. what we need to do, and this is where, anderson, the good news is, the american people, gun owners, nongun owners, are united in saying we need common sense gun safety legislation. that means expanding background checks to make sure that people who should not own guns, people who are criminals, people who have a series, a history of domestic violence, people who should not own guns should not be able to get guns. almost everybody in america agrees with that. people agree that we should eliminate the gun show loop how else, where people are able to avoid background checks. people agree we should end the strawman provision that allows people to buy guns legally and then sell them illegally. there are a lot of things that have overwhelming support among the american people to go forward with keeping guns out of the hands of people who should
after the parkland crisis, he brought members of congress together. what are we going to do? and i will support this. you bring me the legislation, i ll sign it. then the nra comes in and his views completely change. so the truth is, and i say this with no joy in my heart, whatever he says on monday doesn t necessarily mean anything on tuesday. there is no evidence to believe he will stand up to the nra, despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of americans, gun owners, nongun owners, want to see real action. i want to ask you about what s going on with this confidential source. is this anything other than a diversionary tactic to weaken the investigation? that s what i believe it is. you know, the american people believe, whether you re republicans, democrats, independent, that it should be our voters, the people that determine the outcome of
we all have a role to play, but what s the common denominator here? whether it s in schools, shopping malls, movie theaters, baseballweapons. assault weapons. these young people in florida will help lead the country where we need to go. we need a ban on assault weapons. we need to make our country safer not just our schools but our nation. you called for a ban on assault weapons. that s something echoed by your fellow democrats. a republican has recently come out on this. when you look at the political calculus that seems very unlikely. should democrats be focused not on a blanket ban on assault weapons but other smaller fixes. small are things are not fixes. if you poll the american people, 60%, 70%, 80% americans left, right, conservatives, gun owners, nongun owners vast majority of the public are behind these measures.