those answers, saw how she answered the questions, and i think 90% of america 90% they re scratching their heads. wait. let me finish. are you saying it was michael cohen who was in las vegas by the pilates place? are you saying it was him personally? of course it wasn t him personally. you ve been saying it all along. [ overlapping voices ] one at a time. there s a reason why god gave you two ears and one mouth. you re supposed to listen. what about your phony lie detector test? where was the one at a time. [ overlapping voices ] you re not saying it was michael cohen. stormy daniels says she could clearly identify that person. she has never said it was michael cohen. but you believe no. we have never said that it is michael cohen. but, look you ve been saying that all along. come on, let him finish. let him finish. look, it s very simple. my client sat down. she answered the questions.
correct. the exact statement used was they can make your life hell in many different ways. they being? i am not exactly sure who they were. i believe it to be michael cohen. coming up, we will dig deeper into the potential legal and political kpligsz for the president next as well as more of my conversation with stormy daniels. later her attorney and michael cohen s attorney join us and a new legal move accusing michael cohen of defaming stormy daniels. spray relieves 6 symptoms. claritin-d relieves 8, including sinus congestion and pressure. claritin-d relieves more. thisat red lobsterest. with exciting new dishes like dueling lobster tails and lobster truffle mac & cheese. classics like lobster lover s dream are here too. so enjoy these 10 lobsterlicious dishes while you can because lobsterfest won t last.
our request for comment from the president, but we did receive a letter from mr. trump s attorney, charles harter, who asked we read on air one of the statements stormy daniels signed in january denying reports that he had she had an affair with mr. trump. it says in part my involvement with donald trump was limited to a few public appearances and nothing more. if stormy daniels denied the affair in 2011 which you say is a lie, deny affair in early january of 2018, denied the affair in late january of 2018, doesn t that hurt her credibility? she s lying, she s lying, she s lying. it calls into question her credibility. i also think there s no question that when the american people take all of the facts and evidence into consideration, that they are going to conclude that this woman is telling the truth. and anderson, to the extent that mr. cohen and the president have an alternative version of the facts, let them come forward and state it unequivocally.
the magazine to shut down the story to protect mr. trump and around that same time, this goon shows up at her car door with her young daughter in the back of her car. we know it is not my client that sent the goon. we know it is not the magazine that sent the goon. there is only one logical place left as to who would have sent the goon. it s common sense. i don t have evidence that the sun is going to rise tomorrow, but i think it s common sense that it s going to. would you, i mean that sounds like you are laying this at the feet of somebody at the trump organization. not quite yet. but we are going to tighten that up. we are going to get to the bottom of who this was and who sent him. when and if, if it leads to mr. cohen or mr. trump, we are going to call him out on it. stormy daniels said she could recognize this person even though it was many years ago. it scared her that much. what she s stated is it left an image in her mind and it stayed with her for a significant perio
more now with my interview with stormy daniels. there has been plenty of speculation if she has anything souvenirs or images or text messages from her alleged encounter with the president, anything that could be considered evidence of that relationship. as part of nondisclosure agreement she signed, she was supposed to turn over video images, text messages anything she had regarding mr. trump. did you do that? i can t answer that right now. you don t want to say one way or another if you have text messages or other items? my attorney has recommended that i don t discuss those things. you seem to be saying she has some sort of text message or video or photographs or you could just be bluffing. you should ask some of the other people in my career when they bet on my bluffing. in college, in law school, you did opposition research for rob emanuel.