those answers, saw how she answered the questions, and i think 90% of america -- >> 90% -- they're scratching their heads. >> wait. let me finish. >> are you saying it was michael cohen who was in las vegas by the pilates place? are you saying it was him personally? >> of course it wasn't him personally. >> you've been saying it all along. [ overlapping voices ] >> one at a time. >> there's a reason why god gave you two ears and one mouth. you're supposed to listen. >> what about your phony lie detector test? where was the -- >> one at a time. [ overlapping voices ] >> you're not saying it was michael cohen. stormy daniels says she could clearly identify that person. she has never said it was michael cohen. but you believe -- >> no. we have never said that it is michael cohen. but, look -- >> you've been saying that all along. >> come on, let him finish. >> let him finish. >> look, it's very simple. my client sat down. she answered the questions.